From: Inger |
Hope you found your way home.
Signing off.
From: Inger |
Another summer has passed, and late September brings back thoughts and fond memories of Gungi.
From: Inger & Alan |
Remembering Gungi.
-Inger & Alan

From: Inger & Alan |
Still missing you after all these years.
- Inger & Alan

From: Inger |
The leaves are turning and sailing to the ground. Squirrels are rushing about collecting acorns for the winter. An invisible being, COVID-19, has its grip on humankind. This year has been a lost year, and I hope 2021 will be a year of change for the better.
Miss you.

From: Inger |
Gungi Left 10 Years Ago
As many nights endure
Without a moon or star,
So will we endure
When one is gone and far.
........-Leonard Cohen
From: Inger |
Wolfie, Gungi’s eldest, trimmed his beard (hurray!) and graduated.
Here with proud Mom.

From: Inger |
On this Thursday, in 2009, Gungi moved on.....

From: Inger |
Baron is so grown up. Graduated from High School last week. Handsome dude. I know you are proud.
Miss you.
From: Inger |
Seven years now since you left our time and space. You are still sorely missed by family, friends, and all who knew you. Your boys are grown, Wolfie is hard to recognize behind a long beard! I am sure you check in on them and Bridget on and off.
Love flows to you, wherever you are.
Inger |
From: Inger & Alan |
I came across an old photo the other day. I am standing next to you in the kitchen of yours and Bridget's home. You are smiling. I miss that smile and your sense of humor. You will always be in Alan's and my hearts.

- Inger |
From: Mary Norman Kelley |
My Dear Gunji,
My heart breaks as I find out that you have passed. You have given my so many great memories. RIP my friend. I’ll see ya on the other side.
Mary Norman Kelley |
From: Inger & Alan |
Love you for always,
miss you forever.
- Inger and Alan |
From: Steve Toon |
Oh, Gungi.
I was so shocked when I found yout you had died.
I still have memories of you in Scotland with Nobodaddy
and when you used to work for my dad at the university
of St. Andrews. I told my dad and he was really
sad but said you were a great guy. All the best
always in my thoughts.
-Steve Toon |
From: Inger |
I can't believe
you have been gone two years. I still can hear your
voice and laughter in my head. Miss you so.
-Inger |
From: Brenda Fowler |
Today, two years
later, Gungi is not forgotten by those who loved
him, nor by those who knew him. Rest peacefully
my dear friend. - Boo Boo
Brenda Fowler |
From: Brenda Fowler |
Today I think of
you as I often do. I am so grateful to have a place
to share thoughts and memories I have of you. I
find much comfort in knowing others held you in
such high regard as myself. You are special, Gungi…and
will always be.
Brenda Fowler |
From: Inger |
Miss you, Gungi.
-Inger |
From: Gabby |
Dear Gungi,
Your spirit, BB, and sons are always in the prayers
and thoughts of my family & me. Take care, and
God bless.
With Many Blessings, Love, and Hugs,
Gabby |
From: Gabby |
Dear Gungi,
BB, your sons, and your spirit are always in my
family and I's prayers and thoughts. Take care,
and God bless.
With Many Blessings, Hugs, and Love,
Gabby |
From: John Schmiemeier |
Was looking at
some Def pyromania tour picutres this morning. U
pyro Pete, Famous, and thought of you all day my
friend...Miss u big guy, miss you very much.
- John
Schmiemeier |
From: Norman Brook |
Last night whilst
watching a television show on music acts coming
down here in Cape Town, my thoughts turned to one
of my best friends from school. His name is Gordon
Paterson, we lived close to each other in Cupar,
where we both went to Bell Baxter High School. It
had been years since we last bumped into each other
in the Cupar Arms Hotel one Christmas. Gordon told
me that he was now touring with bands as a sound
man. It must have been in the early 1980s. So last
night thinking about him I decided to try to find
him via Google. You can imagine how deeply saddened
I was to learn that Gordon had passed on last year.
Gordon, or Gungi, as he was nicknamed, lived in
Upper Dalgairn Avenue and he had to walk past my
house in a street called Front Lebanon on his way
to school. We often walked to school together and
through this became friends.
Gordon was always into his music, I remember
heading round to his house to watch The Old Grey
Whistle Test, to tape the new music charts on
a Sunday night, or to listen to a new album he
had just bought.
Gordon towered above all the other kids at school
but he was a gentle soul despite his size. Whilst
he could easily have used his height to intimate
others, this wasn’t in his makeup. He was
actually often picked on at school because of
his size. I suspect that this experience moulded
the quality that has come through strongly on
this notice board, that Gordon someone who cared
about and looked after others. Someone who did
not tolerate bullies.
Gordon and I both left our roots in Cupar to
pursue our schoolboy interests, in his case music,
in mine sport. We both had the opportunity to
travel the world, mix with the very best and to
do something that we love doing. In reaching out
to Gordon via Google, I had hoped we would be
able to reconnect, that we might bump into each
other somewhere in the world and share our experiences.
It would have been wonderful to have been able
to do so. I am just sad that I did not reach out
to him some two years ago.
To Bridget and the boys, I hope the knowledge
that Gordon is still remembered by those he grew
up with is of some comfort.
Norman Brook
From: Gabby |
Dear Gungi,
Your spirit, BB, and your sons are always in the
thoughts and prayers of my family and me. Take care,
and God bless.
With Many Blessings, Hugs, and Love,
Gabby |
From: Danny
Nichols |
Dear Gungi,
Every time I go to a show I always glance over
at the sound board, half expecting to see you
mixing your magic sound potion. Just wanted to
let you know that you will always be on the minds
and in the hearts of those whose lives you touched
with your kindness and generosity. It has been
a pretty difficult year for the music industry
and it has lost some fine people. At the very
least, I know you are in great company. I am off
to see Ozzy and Halford next month and, as usual,
I will look over at the sound board and then smile,
missing you but at the same time being thankful
to have met you. See you on the other side one
day my friend.
Danny Nichols & family,
Montreal, Canada
From: Brenda
J. Fowler |
One year today.
It does not feel like such time has passed since
you left this earth to continue your journey. Perhaps
the reason is that I hold you so closely with endearing
thoughts and memories of a wonderful, wonderful
human being...that made such an impact on me...then,
and still today. I have pieces of you, as you have
pieces of me. Nothing more can be said. You WILL
live forever in my heart. I miss your hugs and words
of encouragement dearly. I miss you.
My diligence and dedication to your family is front
and center as promised. They are my family.
With love today and always, Boo Boo |
From: Tom Harper |
Ah my Scot, I've
only just heard the sad news. I will always remember
your amazing spirit and big heart, you one in a
million Scotsman.
Your American,
-Tom Harper |
From: Gabby |
Dear Gungi,
My family and I always keep your spirit, BB, and
sons in our prayers and thoughts. Take care, and
God bless.
With Love, Hugs, and Blessings,
Gabby |
From: Gabby |
Dear Gungi,
Your spirit, sons, and BB are always in the prayers
of my family and me. Take care, and God bless.
With Blessings, Hugs, and Love,
Gabby |
From: Gabby |
Dear Gungi,
My family and I always keep your spirit, BB, and
sons in our prayers and thoughts. Take care. God
With Love, Blessings, and Hugs
Gabby |
From: Gabby |
Dear Gungi,
Your spirit, BB, and your sons are always in the
thoughts and prayers of my family and me. Take care,
and God bless.
With Love, Hugs, and Blessings,
Gabby |
From: Carolyn Henneforth |
Tears For Fears
just wrapped up a tour in The Land Down Under, NZ,
Hong Kong, Manila, Singapore and points beyond.
I'm betting you were right there with them the entire
time, Gungi.
Gungi and family, you are in my thoughts.
-Carolyn |
From: Gabby |
Dear Gungi,
My family and I always keep your spirit, BB, and
sons in our thoughts & prayers. Take care. God
With Love, Blessings, and Hugs,
Gabby |
From: Howard D J Howes |
I've only just
heard of Gungi's passing. I send love and respect
to a great man. A trick of the tail.
-DJ |
From: Gabby |
Dear Gungi,
Your spirit, sons, and BB are always in the prayers
& thoughts of my family. Take care, and God
With Love, Hugs, and Blessings,
Gabby |
From: Brenda J. Fowler |
You are talking
to me today, Gungmon. I hear you loud and clear
as my heart is both pounding, and aching. I miss
you terribly.
Today I cried (again) for my loss of such a good
friend but more so for your wife and young boys
that you no doubtedly loved with
all the passion and connection that two human bens
can possibly have for each other. I promised to
watch over them and I will
continue to do so.
Surreal, that is how it feels. It will be yet
another hard day for me not to fold in sorrow
but if I concentrate on your words and
remember the sounds of your encouraging, supportive
voice I will press on and find myself in that
better place you gave me. And
with that, I send you only the bestest ju-ju back
at you my dearest.
You must know how much you were respected and
loved. If you ever questioned it before it should
be obvious now. YOU did make the
world better with your time here and let this
website be testimony of the eternal impact you
had on so many. I am grateful to have
a neutral place to lay my words. It makes me feel
better like you always made me feel; better.
I know you are resting now. No pain, no sorrow.
Until next time. Love, Boo Boo
From: Gabby |
Dear Gungi,
My family and I always keep your spirit, BB, and
sons in our thoughts & prayers. Take care. God
With Blessings, Hugs, and Peace,
Gabby |
From: Lily Paget-Tomlinson |
Gungi's Memorial...ST.
For those of you who wish to attend the scattering
of Gungi’s ashes, and his Memorial in St.
Andrews, Scotland..........We hope to have this
in the Spring, but do not, as yet, have an exact
date. If you would like to be kept up to date, please
contact us, (Lily and AB), at liyandab@blueyonder.co.uk.
Paget-Tomlinson |
From: Robert D. Bortolotti |
Met "Gungi"
in the early 80"s as a teenager that only wanted
to become a Rock concert photographer, think it
was at the Rainbow/Scorpions Concert in Montreal
we first met and than began to run into him more
I remember he always went out of his way to help
me, backstage passes, photo passes or just taking
pictures from the sound board and I didn't really
know him that well.
I will always remember the time he hooked me up
to photograph Van Halen the next night after the
Judas Priest show and he was working for Priest.
I didn't get to thank him for all he did, now I
have all these pictures and mostly because his heart
was in the right spot.
Robert D. Bortolotti
Ottawa, Canada
I think I have a picture of him in Rochester NY
work for Judas Priest, if so I will submit it. |
From: Steve Aitken |
Gungi, Farewell
You were the first friend I made in high school,
and probably the best
friend I had for at least 6 years before our interests
began to diverge.
I first met you in 1966 in a school Physics lab
in our first year at Bell-Baxter Junior High School
in Cupar, Fife, where we were both in first year.
We hit it off right away, and were friends for at
least 10 years, only beginning to lose touch when
you moved south, and I moved to St.Andrews. You
and I put together a mobile disco, "Medusa
Disco" when I was old enough to drive (19701)
which we ran successfully from Cupar for about a
year - we got good, and had lots of fun doing it
until the tax man caught up with us :-(
When you were an electronics tech at Psychology,
I also worked for
St.Andrews Uni as an electronics tech, in the Gatty
Marine Lab, enabling us to build various musical/lighting
equipment! I played rhythm guitar for a while, you
roadied for Nobo Daddy from Cupar.
I remember your house at 20 Upper Dalgairn in Cupar,
went there often, and your parents, both lovely
I knew you had become very successful in the PA/FOH
mix world, and
was jealous of your many tour & concert anecdotes
& stories when we
occasionally met up in "the Arms" in Burnside,
Cupar, occasionally :-)
"As I was saying to Pete Townsend last week..."
The world is most definitely a sadder place for
your loss, but no-one
who ever met you could forget you. Goodbye, mate,
we had fun in
the seventies!
[ If it hasn't happened already, if ashes are to
be scattered in St. Andrews, I would very much like
to be part of that in some way, as I live fairly
close by in Forfar. Would certainly like to express
my sympathy to the family! ]
Steve Aitken, s.k.aitken@dundee.ac.uk The
University of Dundee is a registered Scottish
charity, No: SC015096 |
From: Chris Gilpin |
I was saddened
to hear the news today that Gungi is no longer with
us. A year on tour with him was an experience I
will never forget.
The man was a tower of strength in so many ways
and will be missed all over the world.
RIP Gungi |
From: Gabby |
Dear Gungi,
Your spirit, BB, and your sons are always in our
prayers and thoughts. Take care, and God Bless.
With Love, Hugs, and Blessings,
Gabby |
From: Carolyn Henneforth |
It is Christmas
Eve and this is going to be your first Christmas
without your husband and father on this Earth and
for that, I am so sorry.
But keep in mind that he is still with you all,
his physical body may not be with you, but his spirit
will never leave your sides, ever. He will be right
beside you when the boys are opening the presents,
he will be right beside you all during the Christmas
meal with the family, and he will be with you on
this night as he is every night. Gungi will be there.
BB and the boys,
Have a blessed holiday season, stay strong, and
keep the faith. I don't know your family, but I
am sending all of the positive vibes I can to you
and yours.
Carolyn |
From: Ronnie Turpie |
I have known Gungi since he was a lab technician
at St Andrews University in Scotland many years
ago. We both moved to the bright lights of London
sometime in the 70’s, and met up again at
ML Executives “THE Who’s” Production
/ Rental Company.
I in the workshop techie role and Gungi in the FOH
engineering role, learning his craft on many a tour;
we were young and so eager to be members of the
rock and roll fraternity. Gungi went on to great
things as one of the finest FOH engineers the live
music industry has ever heard, I slipped away into
obscurity and tedium.
The world will surely miss this great passionate
man, for his outstanding mixing skills and most
of all, his amazing positive outlook and love of
life. I miss you mate.
Warmest Christmas wishes to the Patterson family,
may 2010 bring you good health, happiness and all
that you may wish for.
Ronnie Turpie
From: Roger Coles |
I've attended several
shows that Gungi engineered from small to large
venues. I was a big fan. I've done live sound for
thirty years myself. The picture on the website
captioned "Gungi prepares to spread Rock and
Roll to the masses" by Ann Onimous, is a show
I attended. That picture is the screaming for vengeance
tour. It's the inside of Hampton Coliseum, Hampton
I read an article not too long ago, about Scott
Travis, drummer for Judas Priest wanting to set
up his drums in the parking lot, (I believe it may
have been that night in Hampton, Va.) He thought
if he could just get Judas Priest to hear him play,
he might get a chance to be their drummer. Scott
left Virginia a couple of years later and joined
Racer X, then Judas Priest.
I to have Lymphoma since "2005". My heart
goes out to Gungi's family. He will be missed!!!
Roger Coles |
From: Masae Oyakawa |
Rest in Peace,
I'm very sad to hear of your passing. Thanks for
the great memories. I will never forget your smiling
face. You are a "Metal God".
Lots of Love,
Masae Oyakawa (as neat_neat)
Kanagawa, Japan |
From: Kate Paul |
Toured with Gungi
years back as a caterer on Judas Priest. Three
months in Northern Europe starting in January. I'll
never forget his
height, or his grace with it & perhaps because
of it. I'll not forget
joining in on the monitors to sing hell bent for
leather (or our
version of it) along with the hot chocolate tray
I used to carry out
to the sound/lighting desk through the middle of
heaving euro metal
fans. Saddened to hear of his passing to cancer;
I just lost my mother two weeks ago to this insidious
one-name-for-all-kinds-of-horror. I wish his family
all the best, and know they must take strength from
volume of amazing posts about this lovely man.
KP |
From: Gabby |
Dear Gungi,
My family and I keep your spirit, BB, and your sons
in our daily prayers and thoughts. Take care, and
God Bless.
With Love, Blessings, and Hugs,
Gabby |
From: Deb Hall |
Hi, my name is
Deb Hall and I was surfing Gungi and Bridget to
see if they were on facebook or I could get contact
information only to discover Gungi passed away recently.
I was Gungi's Scuba Instructor on Maui for Open
Water and Advanced Certifications. I became personal
friends of both Bridget and Gungi while they resided
on Maui. We lost touch and would love for you to
get a message to Bridget for me. Deb Hall (diverdeb)
- I'm in Denver now and would love to hear from
her. I'm so sorry - Gungi was so full of life and
sooooo young. It hurts my heart.
Thank You,
Deb Hall |
From: Kevin Harvey |
In 1976 I did my
first tour with Gunji, back then it was common place
to treat the opening act like a disease, but Gunji
was not that kind of person in fact he told me:
"Hey young man don't forget, this years opening
act might be next years headliner." At the
time we were standing behind 3 Mavis 15 into 3 consoles
(Anyone that remembers those is definitely not a
rookie) Consequently I never treated an opening
act like sh*t (Unless they deserved it of course)
Because of his solid advise I picked up quite a
few tours. A lot of people mistakenly thought of
Gunji as strictly a "metal engineer" which
was bloody nonsense, because if you can mix you
can mix, and Gungi could mix anything.! He was as
comfortable at 98 db as he was at 114 db. Anyway
I was lucky enough to see him shortly before he
passed on, and though I held it together while I
was with him, I freely admit to bawling my eyes
out later on, because without Gunji showing me how
to EQ a PA, stack and fly a Martin rig, (Later on
he showed me how to get the best out of a Harwell
system) as well as a ton of other basics. The truth
is: Without Gunji's friendship I doubt very much
that I would have made a living as a FOH engineer
for the past 33 years. God bless you mate, you will
never be forgotten.
Kevin Harvey |
From: Carolyn |
BB and sons,
I know that the loss of your husband and father
is feeling very raw and hurts right now. Please
know that things will get better. And know that
your husband and father, Gungi, will be remembered,
not only in your hearts, but in the hearts and minds
of people all over the world.
I wish I could take your pain and loss away. If
it was in my power, I would do so.
Brightest Blessings and peace to you,
Carolyn |
From: Kelley Spratt |
Hey, man...I am
so sorry to hear... I heard the news from Steve
Wow, you will be missed, Gungi.
Kelley Spratt |
From: Kristen |
Hi, I'm Kristen
Goure, Gungi and BB's next door neighbor and friend.
It's been a hard few weeks around here, but Bridget
and the boys continue to amaze us with their strength.
On Tuesday we celebrated Gungi's 54th birthday with
candles and memories and no small amount of chocolate
cake. Gungi's spirit filled the house; we still
hear his deep, soulful Scottish laugh in every corner;
each time we turn our heads a certain way we catch
a glimpse of his mirthful blue eyes and million-watt
smile. We miss him but he is with us; though we
feel his absence to our very cores, he is there
also, exactly, always.
I want to let everyone who has participated in
this site know how very, very much you have done
and continue to do to provide strength and succor
to this amazing family. I saw day to day how much
the worldwide network of support did to engender
hope in the darkest of days, incite laughter in
the better ones, and instill even more courage
and perseverance in an already amazingly brave
man. Bearing witness to this amazing circle of
support is one of the great blessings of my life.
Gungi and Bridget have always been so humbled,
thankful, and amazed by the outpouring of support.
It speaks not only to Gungi's singular ability
to bring people together and of the great love
all who knew him felt for him, but also of the
enormity of each and every one of your hearts.
I feel (and I know BB does too,) that you are
bodhisattvas, lamplighters along the path. No
matter how far down the rabbit hole things go,
friends provide the light of their love to see
us through. Ten thousand thank-yous, ten thousand
blessings to you all.
"This living is a guest house." --Rumi
"It's something other than else." --Monty
"No pity, no fear, only courage and strength."
--Gordon Paterson
Happy Birthday, my dear dear Friend
Love, Kristen
From: Gabby |
Dear Gungi,
Your spirit and loved ones are in my family and
I's prayers and thoughts every day. Take care and
God bless.
With Love and Hugs,
Gabby |
From: Corinne "Punky" Scott |
Happy Birthday
to my dear sweet brother.
Oh, you behave now...
My wicked laugh will follow you forever, and the
joy of becoming you sister (thanks BB) will last
through eternity. See ya.
Corinne "Punky" Scott
No fear no pity: only courage and strength |
From: Leslie Goldberg |
I can't say that
i knew Gungi. I only met the man once over 20 yrs
ago. But as i was reading the article about his
passing this morning, i realized who it was. As
i said, i only met Gungi once... but he had stuck
in my mind all these years as being a really nice
person. I'm sorry to hear about his passing. The
world could use more people like him. I only wish
i had a chance to work with him. |
From: Russell Carbonell
Gungi’s compassionate
heart, his welcoming soul, friendly smile, and the
irrepressible twinkle in his eyes will be remembered
and missed by all who were fortunate enough to know
Love to Bridget and family
Russell Carbonell |
From: Mike “Lurch” Hirsh |
I’m very
proud to have given Gungi his first Hawaiian shirt
a long time ago in a faraway galaxy.
At 6”10” I’m also glad I could
always look Gungi in the eye.
Mike “Lurch” Hirsh a friend forever
From: Tony Mendez |
I was so blessed
to have shared a small slice of life with Gungi
on the
Fiona tour. Every time I hear Kate Bush I will always
think of Gungi at
front of house doing sound checks. He was a truly
beautiful human being and will be missed. Please
accept my condolences to Bridget, sons and all family
and friend. We will all miss him dearly.
Tony Mendez
From: Yvonne Loxton |
I don’t have
the words to express how I feel losing the great
man who became my “dad” nearly 20 years
ago. I only have tears right now and if he knew
I was crying he’d probably slap me on the
back of the head. My thoughts and love remain with
Bridgette “Mom” and Wolf & Baron.
Rest in peace my dear friend.
Love you always,
Darling Daughter #1
Yvonne Loxton
From: Bret B. Dowlen |
I cannot express
the loss. Gungi stood up for me and my company on
two separate occasions in getting me work and getting
me paid. I have never experienced anything like
this before or since. He explained that the band
would not play unless the radio station that was
hosting the show paid me for a previous show and
then paid me in advance for the up-coming event.
That completely unselfish gesture and Gungi's affection
for the speaker cabinets that I had designed and
built will stay with me forever. I was very fortunate
to have worked with him and will treasure his views
and his support forever. He was one in a million.
My most sincere condolences to his family and all
that knew him.
Bret B. Dowlen
From: Amiee & Billy |
It's hard to find
the right words to say goodbye to such a great guy...We
were so saddened to her that Gungi had passed from
an engineer here in Atlanta. I met Gungi in the
late 80's on a David Lee Roth tour in Richmond &
we continued to be friends through many of his tours.
We lost touch for awhile until we crossed paths
again in 2006 on the Fiona Apple tour. He was so
proud of his lovely wife and handsome boys. He always
came up with the funniest sayings and he will never
be forgotten by his many, many friends.
I know the sound on the other side is the best that
it can be :)
Your family is in our prayers.
We will definately miss you big guy!
Lots of love,
Amiee & Billy
Athens, GA |
From: Troy C. Kliesch |
The KING of heavy
metal mixing. The day he walked up to me and said
" SOUNDS GOOD SON " I knew that I had
made it! (RIP Gungi.) I would have never made it
without you.
Troy C. Kliesch |
From: Stuart Lindgren |
Bridget and sons,
please accept my sincere condolences. My meditations
are filled with the love you feel for your husband
and father. May the blessings of love & light
mark his way home. Namaste...
Stuart Lindgren |
From: John Rubero and family |
I was fortunate
to have crossed paths with Gungi as part of our
shared parenting experiences. Mundane circumstances
in comparison with the travelogue-type anecdotes
I've read here, but great times, nonetheless. The
first time I met Gungi was at a scout meeting for
our oldest boys, who were classmates... just an
interesting and delightful person. The second time
I talked to him, I called him by his given name,
and he said warmly, "my friends call me Gungi".
He is the most magnetic person I've ever been around,
and it was obvious from the minute I met him. It's
clear from the postings on the board that he is
a stalwart hero to a lot of people. It's easy to
see why. After our kids wound up in different schools,
I didn't have as much contact with him, which I
will always regret, and I will miss those chance
encounters, seeing him in the school office- the
rare times I'd see him, but I will never forget
Bridget, Wolfie and Baron, we are thinking of you.
John Rubero and family |
From: Tim Strabwridge |
From: Tony (Swish) Curtin |
was a big shock to hear that Gungi had passed away.
I always remember the day I first meet Gungi It
was on Ozzy on "a Shot in the dark tour"
and I was his bus driver (swish) and it was my second
tour in rock and roll. This guy turned up to my
bus I opened the door and the first thing he said
to me was "rite driver what are you going to
do about me" I looked at the size of him and
thought he's not going to fit in the bunk! So that
day we cut a hole in the bunk head so he could stick
his feet through. And of course his saying when
he got on the bus after the show "rite Then
skin up" He looked after me on that tour I
was green as grass. rest in peace Gungi
Tony (Swish) Curtin |
From: James Poepping |
RIP Gungi
You were a great person. May God take care of you
always. You will be missed. See you on the other
side. |
From: Jay "Hot Sam" Barth |
Gunji was a great
one...and not as old as some of us hey Nitebob?? |
From: José Luís Carrato |
All my prayers
to the family,
I´ll miss you, bro. |
From: Aaron Dilks |
I don't understand
sometimes why god takes all the good people early
and leaves all the jerk offs. You will be greatly
missed Gungi, You were always a great person inside
and out. Not to mention a great engineer. RIP my
Aaron Dilks
From: Bryan Hartley |
Gungi , you will
be missed by many..I am thankful to have toured
as much as we did together over these many years.many
good memories...you were one of a kind!!!!!!
Bryan Hartley |
From: choukri |
From: Mick Treadwell |
It is all just
to sad that we have lost a good man. The world of
live music will never see the likes of your talent
again. See you on the other side Gungi.
Mick |
From: Rod (Red) Gibson |
Rest in peace. |
From: Rick Diesing |
I always looked
up to the big dog. God bless, rest in peace Gungi.
You will be missed. |
From: Carolyn Henneforth |
Bridget & Sons,
You are not alone in your grief. Stay Strong.
Love and hugs,
Carolyn |
From: Spy Matthews |
We never worked
together, and met rarely, but Gungi's reputation
as a great FOH engineer and as a fine gentleman
was only exceeded by his height!
Sincere condolences to his family on behalf of Smoother
Smyth, Gus Thomson, Steve Dabbs and all at Delicate
Another legend passes. He will be missed.
Spy Matthews |
From: John and Janet Rivett |
Gungi. "Metal
God!" Upon the hill, there was a cow, it must
have gone, it's no there now. Goodbye old pal. |
From: Jack Funk |
Gungi , One of
the great ones of our time has fallen. you will
be missed, but remembered in great stories.
Rest in Peace my Friend.
From Jack Funk |
From: Ken Barr |
So sorry to hear
of your passing. There are no words at times like
this. My condolences to your family. Rest in Peace.
From Ken Barr
From: Jeannette |
Sing Me a Song
of a Lad That is Gone
Sing me a song of a lad that is gone,
Say, could that lad be I?
Merry of soul he sailed on a day
Over the sea to Skye.
Mull was astern, Rum on the port,
Eigg on the starboard bow;
Glory of youth glowed in his soul;
Where is that glory now?
Sing me a song of a lad that is gone,
Say, could that lad be I?
Merry of soul he sailed on a day
Over the sea to Skye.
Give me again all that was there
Give me the sun that shone!
Give me the eyes, give me the soul,
Give me the lad that's gone!
Sing me a song of a lad that is gone,
Say, could that lad be I?
Merry of soul he sailed on a day
Over the sea to Skye.
Billow and breeze, islands and seas,
Mountains of rain and sun,
All that was good, all that was fair,
All that was me is gone.
I miss you terribly. God bless your soul. R.I.P.
From Jeannette
From: James Rephann |
Thank you so much
Gungi for the times we talked audio and talking
me when I was a nobody.You were a great engineer
and a warm and happy guy every time I saw you. The
audio world has lost a GIANT of a great guy. You
ARE missed brother.I hope there is an XL 4 up there
with your name on it. God bless and thoughts and
prayers to your wife and kids.I can't imagine what
they are going thru. RIP big man you are loved by
so many in our industry... |
From: Micky Curtis |
Gods speed my old
The things people will do to get out of a load out!!!!
There wasn’t a better man made on this earth
than Gungi, sad sad to see you passing my friend,
Jon Rankine sends his best from over my shoulder.
“I'm not really a welder yer know”
Best regards,
Micky Curtis
From: John 'schmee' Schmiemeier |
To a man that all
that met him motivated them. I look back at the
Def Lepperd and priest days with Fond memories of
which you were a large part of. My prayers and thoughts
will be with you and your family my friend..Rest
in peace.
John (schmee) Schmiemeier
From: Steve Cox |
Rest in Peace Big
Thanks for all the great memories Gungi it was
a pleasure to have
known and worked with you, my condolences to your
family, see you on
the other side my friend...
Steve Cox
From: Marc Engel |
Bridget and Sons:
My prayers and condolences to you and your Family
as you work your way
through this very sad time. As you were the most
important people in
Gunji's life, rest assured that you all have a
7' angel watching and
protecting you...
Feel free to contact me if there is anything
I can do to help..
Marc Engel
From: |
Dearest Uncle Gungi..
Well you weren't really my Uncle, but you were
a continual loving, caring overseer of my life.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your
presence, wisdom, assistance and happiness that
you brought. I can still hear your voice and laugh
and I'm remembering the fun moments we all had.
You are such a brilliant light in my world and
always will be, I miss you very much. It was an
honor to know you and I am so proud of your courage
and strength. You mentioned if I didn't get to
see you before you left us that you would give
a knock on my window sometime. I know that sign
will come when I least expect it...and until then,
I can sense your joyful Spirit in all. Thank you.
with deepest love
From: Shelly Bos |
To Bridget and
the boys..
You must be feeling the loss of the great husband
and father that Gungi was. I cannot imagine the
empty space you must now feel. Please know that
Gungi was one of the greatest human beings that
I ever knew. His influence will be felt in the music
and sound industry by all those that knew him and
by all those who had the great privilege to work
with him, for years and years to come. The first
time I met Gungi was when we went to a show where
Gungi was doing the sound. He was taller than my
now ex-husband Rick Bos, who is 6'8''. Looking back,
he was not only tall in stature, but he was tall
in personality and generosity as well. His scottish
accent was as musical as the great sounds he produced
for others. He had a way of smiling that made everyone
feel like family. He was so generous with his talent......he
shared it with so many. There will be sound engineers
that will owe their skills to the help of the one
and only Gungi for years to come. He was so good
to my children Matthew and Jessica Bos, who both
play in bands. They looked up to him, not just because
he was taller than their dad, but because he supported
them as musicians. No one could ever take his place.
He was not only generous with his talent, but he
was generous in his friendship. He had that certain
grin that made you feel like family. We should be
grateful that he is now out of the horrible pain
that he has suffered, and we will let him go and
move on. But we will never ever forget the influence
he had on our lives. From one "Scott"
to another.......May you finally go home to the
beautiful land of your birth. You will be missed
by everyone, but you will NEVER forgotten by anyone.
Shelly Bos |
From: Carolyn Henneforth |
Bridget and sons,
I am so, so very sorry for the loss of your husband
and father. I know this is a very difficult time
for you all. Hopefully you can take some comfort
in knowing that Gungi was a inspiration to many
people and he made a difference in this world of
ours. I wish you all peace and comfort.
Carolyn Henneforth |
From: Geezer Butler |
So sad to hear
of your passing. You were the best! Thanks for the
great memories.
Geezer Butler |
From: Rick Bos |
Gungi has been
the finest of friends these past 20 years. I first
met him at Whitesnake rehearsals in North Hollywood
in January 1990 when I was with DigiTech and have
a picture of him, me (I’m 6’8”)
and Adrian Vandenberg together – that would’ve
been a fine basketball lineup.
He and I worked on so many projects I’ve
lost count during my years at DigiTech, Mackie,
Peavey and Gibson. He was especially helpful when
I hired him to consult on some compact mixing
board projects I was working on at Mackie as well
as when I needed a contact for Artist Relations
over the years. He was always able to find a way
to get me in touch with whoever I was looking
for. And I’ve lost count of all the free
gear I gave him and to artists he asked me to
fix up with an amp, guitar, mixer or whatever,
and I was happy to do it.
I own a company now – XP Audio, Inc., which
makes the Morpheus DropTune pedal, Bolt guitar
amps, Motion Sound keyboard amps and Forge bass
amps – and I wanted to hire Gungi to be
on board full time. He had a wealth of knowledge
that would have been a fantastic asset for product
development, artist and crew relations, etc. We
talked about it a number of times, but with the
cancer running its course this was never to be,
something that saddens me almost as much as his
passing because it would’ve been great working
with him.
And along with all of this Gungi and Bridget
were (and Bridget still is) great and caring friends.
They just don’t come any better.
I’m glad I had the time this summer to
fly out and see Gungi several times as things
worsened for him. And even though I knew the end
was coming, it still sucks big time!
I think, like everyone else, we’re all
going to miss that voice of his with its Scottish
accent. There was never any mistaking who was
on the other end of the line when he’d call
Gungi, you are sorely missed!
Rick Bos
From: Jayne Andrews |
We are all very
sad to hear of your passing - but know that you
are at peace now! Our thoughts are with your family.
Rob, Glenn, K.K., Ian and Scott (Judas Priest) and
Jayne xx |
Rest in peace my
Brother. A sad day in this world, a good day where
ever the
good go.....ciasulli....
From: Danny Nichols |
I still remember
the first time I met Gungi. It was on the Deep Purple
Perfect Strangers tour in Montreal. My first thought
was...."holy s%it this has to be the tallest
person I have ever seen in my life!"
Well, Gungi invited me and my family and friends
to see one of the tourbuses. Imagine that...an 18
year old kid sitting on a Deep Purple tour bus talking
with their sound engineer about sound mixing, what
it was like to tour and listenng to the Perfect
Strangers cd, which Gungi hadn't had a chance to
hear yet. Gungi gave us a glimpse into a world that
we would otherwise never have had a chance to see.
He was kind and generous with his time and made
us feel welcome. We had the good fortune of meeting
Gungi again several times in the years that followed.
Everytime he'd see us, he would remember us just
like old friends and greet us with that big smile.
I am deeply saddened that Gungi is gone but I
am also very happy to have known him and to know
that he is no longer suffering. I know that he
made this world a much nicer place to be in and
touched the hearts of those he met. Our most sincere
condolences to his family.
Danny, Susan and Steve Nichols
Montreal, Canada
ps Thank you to those who worked hard to help
Gungi and his family.
From: Jeff Hair |
Gungi was my hero.
I'm not sure if he knew that or not, but it's true.
Way back in the early days of Judas Priest I saw
(and heard!) Gungi run sound. It was magical. It
changed my life.
From that day on I knew I wanted to be a live sound
engineer, and I wanted to pattern alot of my techniques
and skills after what I had heard Gungi do with
Priest. 34 years later, I'm still in the business
and have worked with Gungi many times over the years.
I just wish now that I had told him more clearly
how very important he was to my own personal progress.
Gungi, You always will be known the KING of Live
Sound Engineers, I respect you forever and even
though we didn't know each other very well personally,
I will never forget you. Thank you Gungi!
With EVERY respect,
Jeff Hair |
Nitebob |
Rest in peace my
friend...miss yah already
Kevin Glendinning |
We lost one of
the good guys
Fiona never sounded better
We'll miss you Gung
Scotland's finest
Eddie "Dr.Evil" Oertell |
Words can't express
on how much the big man is going to be missed.
I know one things the heavens will sound great now.
much love and respect goes out to his family. God
I love you Gordon "Gungi" Paterson..xoxoxoxoxo
Eddie "Dr.Evil" Oertell
JonO |
A giant of a man
in all ways. You fought a good fight Gungi.
So very sad at the news of your loss.
My thoughts are with his family. |
Eric Rizner |
I will never forget
the time that I got to spend getting to know Gungi
and some of the mixing techniques that I learned
that I use still to this day. After hearing about
Gungi's failing health a few months ago, I've had
quite a good time going down memory lane. Thanks
for the memories.
--Eric Rizner
Ross Rylance |
Many blessings
to Bridget and family in this time! I am sorry that
"Gungi" has left us.
All the best,
Ross Rylance |
A very sad day,
he will be missed |
J.C. "Kurt" McLaughlin |
I met Gordon ages
ago and finally got the chance to work with him
on several tours. We hit it off right away. I just
loved his sense of humour..."I'm not that tall,
only 5 foot 23 1/2 inches!" I will miss him. |
Richie Baron |
From the Baron
Family ..... Sorry for your loss .... he will be
missed .... By Many !!!! |
Dirty Don Dailey |
Ps........I'm right behind ya!!!!!! |
Anthony "T-Man" Trovato |
Scott Snyder |
RIP my friend |
Ashley Warnken |
I had the privilege
of visiting with Gungi last night in his home with
family and friends. He looked like an angel! He
was smiling they way he always did. It was one of
the most beautiful and touching experiences of my
life. I want to thank BB and the boys for allowing
me and my family to share that with them.
My dad found this passage in a book last night and
we wanted to share it with everyone.
“Opening up to the pain of death, our own
or that of someone we love, is one of the most
mysterious blessings of life. Nothing focuses
us more clearly on what matters, helps us drop
our defenses more quickly or gives us more compassion
for human suffering.
I used to think that the Angel of Death would
be a terrible thing. I realize now that the Angel
of Death would have to be God’s most tender
and understanding angel, to be sent to us at such
a significant, frightening moment. There are many
among us now who have seen the Angel of Death
or have had to start thinking about it before
our time. Death has become one of our greatest
teachers in the transitions to a spiritually awakened
“Death shall be the last enemy,”
said Jesus. What He meant was that we would no
longer perceive death as an enemy. We would recognize
that death is not death but a recycling of energy,
a re-modulation of the cells according to higher
assignments in a soul’s progression. The
spirit does not die, but rather enters new channels
of life.
The power of God is greater than death. Our relationships
are not severed at death, but refocused beyond
physical connection. As our vision of life changes,
so will the physical world. As we lift our eyes
above the illusion of death, we will begin to
see the eternity of life.
Jesus did not die when He died and neither do
Marianne Williamson (Illuminata 116-117)
Ashley Warnken
From: Pete Plympton |
Thank you Gungi
for simply making the world a better place.
Pete Plympton
Portland, oregon |
From: LEW
The world has lost
a gentle giant but heaven has its ears back.
My thoughts and prayers are with Gungi and his
Diana Swenson |
Dearest Gungi,
I feel the heavy, numberless shadows today from
your absence. My life will forever be blessed for
knowing you, and my heart will always cry out for
your love. I seek your voice, your patience, and
your tall grandeur everywhere I go, looking into
the eyes of every man I pass by, trying to find
a soul somewhat close to resembling you, and still,
all I feel is failure inside.
There will never be anyone in my life quite like
you, my friend, my personal saint, and my role model
through all my adult life so far...I will hold you
up on a golden pedestal of love and grace, and the
day anyone can match you will be the day I can finally
let you go.
Please forgive me for wanting you here still, it's
only because I LOVE YOU so much! Thank you for adopting
me as your god-daughter. I promise to be a living
example of goodness and kindness to your boys, I'll
always be there for them, to listen and help them
through trialsome times. I promise to be a source
of healing love for your sweet Bridget.
I will never forget you and the kind things you
have done for me. You took me to Ozzfest when I
was 16 years old and gave me a backstage pass, you
toured me around with your two young, sweet boys
and showed me the inside world of the music I love
so much today. Thank you for sharing your life with
I'll frame your picture and keep your lock of hair
with me and tell all who I love that you are so
much the reason that I turned out so well!
Goodbye handsome man, my dearest father figure,
my greatest joy!
-Diana Swenson, ~your Angel~ |
Debbie "giggles" |
It always brought
a smile to my face when i saw Gungi behind the soundboard-
he was there for so many years and the 1st time
he was not, although i did not know why, it made
me sad to see he was not there. R.I.P. Gungi xo
- and thanks for always bringing those smiles to
my face
<3 - Debbie "giggles"
A few photos of Gungi that Debbie was kind enough
to send:


with Ken Downing of Judas Priest..probably
and below with Deb in 1993
Brad Rogers |
It’s been
years since I worked with Gungi way back in the
days of Heavy Metal! I don’t remember if it
was Kiss, Whitesnake or some other band with big
hair, but I do remember Gungi!
Huge in stature, heart, kindness and talent.
You will be greatly missed.
Rest in Peace, My Friend!
Brad Rogers |
David Dumais |
I unfortunately
never had the pleasure of working with Gordon, and
I say pleasure as that would have clearly been the
appropriate word given the overwhelming amount of
admiration expressed here by numerous, well recognized
industry professionals and peers. Even so, it saddens
me to acknowledge the loss of an individual who
was so clearly a friend, inspiration, mentor and
pioneer to so many and so much of our industry.
It appears Billy Joel was right - “Only The
Good Die Young”.
David Dumais
Ian Eagle Dobbie |
It is with great
sadness to learn that my friend gungi has lost his
battle with the dreaded disease.to have known and
worked with gungi was an honour.we first toured
together in1980, black sabbath. i smile when i recall
gungi standing next to r.j.dio.i had the privelage
of talking with gungi back in july when he told
me it had been an honour to have known me,my answer
was no sir the honour is mine to have known you.gungis
family in seattle and scotland have lost a great
human being. the tributes paid to gungi on this
website by people known and unknown to me confirm
this. my condolences to his wife and children. gone
but never forgotten. rest in peace old friend.
Eagle Dobbie |
Jeffrey Cox |
worked with Gungi on many occasions, and will never
forget the look in his eye, or the wink, when it
was right.
I know he’s inspired a lot
of engineers, a lot of road dogs and a lot of
humans to push for things that seem implausible.
In this business we learn from each other. I learned
a thing or two from you, dear Gungi.
Those are mighty, mighty angel
wings… Fly on… “Meet you in
the next world, and don’t be late. Don’t
be late.”
Jeffrey Cox
From: Jeff Williams |
Words are hard
to come by today. So many thoughts and memories
of a person that I learned so much from. Back when
I was a cocky kid just starting in the business,
with TASCO, you took me under your wing and taught
me so much about audio, touring, and life in general.
You always had a pat on the back for a job well
done, and a tap on the back of the head (I probably
deserved more of those than you gave me) for doing
something dumb. I appreciated them all. I will never
forget stacking the Mountains of Harwell for you.
It was always good to be one of your "Noise
My Thoughts and prayers are with Bridget and the
I will see you on the other side.
God Speed my friend.
Jeff Williams |
From: Kurt & Dee McLaughlin |
I had the absolute
privilege to work with Gordon on many occasions.
He was a true class act. I will truly miss him.
C. "Kurt" McLaughlin
From: Kieran Roden |
Could we please
have brighter sunshine, warmer rain and less reverb
in the thunder mix
Enjoy your tour
Kieran Roden |
From: Tom Roden |
See you in the
skies Captain Long Legs
Tom Roden |
From: Noreen, Kieran & Tom |
If pebbles were
The shores would be yours
Sleep well dear friend
Noreen, Kieran & Thomas Roden |
From: Bob Millar |
I've never been
one for words but suffice to say, I'll continue
to remember you with the greatest admiration. As
will anyone who ever worked or touched glasses with
you. My thoughts are with your family. RIP pal.
Bob Millar
From: Rob Halford |
news is very sad. Gungi was a trusting sound confidante,
hard worker, and he simply made it a pleasure to
go to work. I extend my condolences to his family,
and wish them much success in their future.
Rob Halford |
From: Brooksie |
Gungi my lampost
freind for so many years words are hard to come
by love for every rest in peace
Brooksie |
From: Inger |
It has been an
absolute honor to spend these last couple of days
Gungi and his family. His wife Bridget gave him
a most beautiful,
calm, loving and amazing send off to his new destination.
From: Bernie |
Godspeed to you
Gungi, my old friend. My love to Bridget & kids.
Bernie (Gungi & I on Spinal Tap World Tour) |
From: Mercedes Onorato |
Dearest Gungi,
We would like to say “THANK YOU SO MUCH”
for all the good moments, knowledge and strength
that you shared with us in your visit to Buenos
Aires….exactly…it was in September
2008 !!
No words to explain how sad we are…
A lot of nice feelings to express our admiration
and respect…
For sure…that you are at this moment between
angels….because…you are one of them
Love you always dear friend !!
Mercedes Onorato & Sound Pro Latin America
Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA.
From: Cat |
RIP Gungi, you
will be sadly missed, my prayers are with his family
From: matthew mifsud/THE FALCON |
hi am a stage tech
from aust called the falcon gungi my prayers go
out to your family |
From: Brad Skrip |
Rest in Peace my
FRIEND! You were and are a good man. God will bless
you as you have led a wonderful life and have been
a true friend to all whom you have met.
You will be missed.
Brad |
From: Allan A Terry |
Gungi RIP Its sad
to lose good people.
My thoughts and condolences to all |
From: Scott Snyder |
RIP my friend |
From: Michael Kaye |
Dear Gordon,
Thanks for being the example of professionalism,
of humour, being the bus mom- of making us know
that what we did onstage came through the big
speakers to the world.
For being so fucking good that the band was always
( and the third world sound companies still benefit
from you diagnosing and fixing their problems
I'm sure).
Thanks for putting up the brave fight and making
the best of a situation.
Someone else referred to you mixing at the "gig
upstairs"--- I hope they know to loose the
riser and put the mix position at 95 feet.
Michael Kaye
From: Rick "Boink" Bazuin |
Gungi taught me
some cool tricks. Always had a smile on his face.
I was happy to have met and toured with him.
Boink. |
From: Matt Mead |
Truly you were a man to look up to, literally and
figuratively. I am honored to have met you, worked
with you and learned so much from your wisdom and
experience. Thank you for all you've done for all
of us. You will be missed dearly. God speed friend. |
From: Devine Taylor |
Sorry to hear,
hope things go well with the family and that they
are our prayers. |
From: Thom & Deb Grier |
Gungi, you will
be missed!
We only got to know Gungi a couple of years ago.
We got to know him as a wonderful family man (not
as a sound engineer, although we can tell from
these messages in this guest book that he was
very highly regarded in that area).
We got to know Gungi as a quiet, unassuming man.
It wasn’t until after we had spent a few
afternoons with him, Bridget, Wolfie & Baron
that we found out how well known and respected
he was WORLD WIDE. Then when he told us what he
did for a living, you could tell how proud and
excited he was about his career!
But what really made Gungi proud and excited
was his family!!! Wolfie & Baron, your dad
was so proud of you, he couldn’t wait to
tell us about how you were doing! We know you’re
going to miss him terribly but we also know that
because of his wonderful influence, that you’ll
both grow to be men he would be proud of.
Bridget, Wolfie & Baron, our hearts go out
to you and our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Thom & Deb Grier
From: Adrian Selby |
So terribly sorry
to hear this sad news.
I first met Gungi sometime in the 70's. Many
tours, many, many gigs, many bus rides, much laughter
& friendship.
Seeing the names of people who have posted takes
me back to what seems like another life.... although
Gungi's death makes me only too aware that it
is all the same life and can be cruelly short.
I am sad and proud as I think of the times that
we spent together.
Rest in Peace Old Friend.
From: Rob Cowlyn |
It was with profound
sadness I learned of the passing of Gordon "Gungi"
Paterson, a most dear friend to so many of us, after
his long and courageous battle.
Gungi was, without any doubt, one of the finest
human beings who have ever graced this world. I
had the extreme good fortune to know him for around
thirty years, during which time I never once knew
him to be angry with anyone. By nature he had such
a generous spirit, always able to take a positive
approach to any challenge, and always with time
to help anyone in duress or cheer someone up on
a bad day.
With his infectious smile, his crafted body language
and cheerful cheekiness he impacted so many people
on a daily basis, and in meaningful ways. Beneath
that delightful exterior was an equally marvelous
and sensitive interior, a deep and thoughtful person,
with a true love of life.
His was a life to cherish now with memories, which
flood my mind this day. So many of them, some personal,
some professional, others both. We were touring
together that tragic day we heard the news of the
accident that took Terry “Pricey” Price
from us all, and I’m certain the private reflective
ceremony Gungi and I held that afternoon helped
us both deal with that grievous loss. I still laugh
out loud at recollections of he and I being out
for dinner one otherwise boring Monday night off
in Canberra, where we found ourselves at a table
adjacent to the Harlem Globetrotters. Are you seven
feet tall, they ask? No, he says, no – just
5’ 22 1/2” as he always stated of his
height. Play ball, they ask? Maybe, he says, maybe….
Then in Maui, where he married the wonderful Bridget.
Without a doubt the happiest day of his life, as
he told me so, repeatedly! What a wonderful day!
It is true he will never be lost to us if we keep
him in our memories. That we shall do. Of far greater
concern, Bridget has lost her husband, and Wolfie
and Baron have lost their father. Memories alone
cannot sustain that level of loss, and his family
needs to be front and center in our thoughts and
prayers, with all our love and support.
To Bridget, I thank you from the bottom of my heart
for enabling me to speak to Gungi by phone a couple
of weeks ago. Knowing we were in real terms saying
goodbye was extremely emotional, but not nearly
as upsetting as had I never had that chance to do
Lofty, old son. I will love you always.
Rob Cowlyn |
From: Preston Heyman |
So sad to hear
the news - but i keep smiling as i think of you
the sound desk and entering the stage every night
on the Kate Bush
Tour Of Life in your cowboy duds as James in "James
and the cold gun"
- I would provide the shots on my snare drum as
you tried to gun her
down with your rifle, you were "amazing"
What a scene = We had so
much fun. If anyone wants to they can see it on
you-tube filmed at
Hammersmith Odeon.
Gunge You were a fantastic soundman a great guy
and a legend.
I will miss you mate and think of the good times.
Sending so much Love
Preston Heyman |
From: Bill Allen |
Rest in Peace old
friend. You will be missed.
BA |
From: Nik |
You were a close
family friend and a childhood hero to myself and
my brother, and as an adult I am proud to have called
you my friend. You have been a massive influence
on my choice of career in music and sound, and I
will never forget your encouragement, generosity
and enthusiasm, not to mention a valuable insight
into what it means to be truly rock n’ roll.
You will be extremely missed by all who knew
you, but as you always did in person, my memories
of you will always bring a smile to my face.
My thoughts, love and prayers go out to BB and
the boys at this very sad time.
May you rest in peace Gungi.
From: Matthew Bos |
Very fond memories
of rock concerts and hanging out with you and my
dad, the two tallest guys around. It was the coolest.
? Gungi, thanks for being a great friend to my Dad
and our family, you will be missed.
Matthew Bos
From: Hayley Bos White |
So sorry to hear
the news this morning about Gungi. Our family's
hearts go out to Bridget and the boys during this
hard time.
Gungi was such an awesome person, and such a sweetheart,
we will never forget him. How can you forget a guy
taller than
your 6'8" tall dad anyway right? I'm so glad
my dad was able to visit
him several times in the last few months. Gungi
was an
incredible friend to him, and I know he will be
missed dearly.
<3 Hayley |
From: Doug Hall |
Dear Mrs. Paterson,
I am so saddened for you, & you're children's
huge loss, ... in
Gordon's passing.
Gungi was a class act, ... that won't be repeated,
... Super engineer
& human being!
A whole lot of people are better off, having shared
some time with
Gungi, ... including myself.
Sincere Condolences,
Very Best Regards,
Doug Hall
From: Batty |
Today this rock
and roll world of ours is a far sadder place with
out you, your smile, your friendship and your bravery,
i will never forget you Gungi. May gods eternal
light shine upon you, may you rest in peace.
Batty X |
From: Larry Melero |
My prayers go out
to his family. You will be missed. |
From: Bobby Danelski |
My condolences
to friends and family |
From: Sam Kriemelmeyer |
I only got to do
one tour with Gungi. He was the man. |
From: Michael Jeanes |
I haven’t
seen Gungi for a long time.. Not since Whitesnake
and Judas Priest in Japan...
Best damm loudest house mix you will ever hear and
still hear everything!
RIP noise boy. |
From: Steve Guest |
R.I.P. Gungi. You'll
forever be an FOH legend.
I only met him once at a multi-band gig in NYC.
It was a true pleasure to work with such a great
My condolences to Gungi's friends and family.
From: Jen Kreps |
My Condolences
to the family, may you rest in peace my friend,
love and light....SUNSHINE!! My condolences as well,
to a great man then, now and beyond!
Jen Kreps |
From: Jim Bethel "Amish" |
Though I never
met him, just hearing his work has helped me to
move towards perfection in all things Sonic, see
you in the "Air." |
From: Rick Fagan |
Peace on the other
side... |
From: Michael Russell |
Didn't know him
but it's not to say that loosing someone in our
field is just plain sad. My thoughts and prayers
go to him and his loved ones. |
From: Jay R Schwartz |
The world is a
bit more quiet, but not for the better.
This is a sad reminder that we're not still 10'
tall and bulletproof as we acted and believed
back in the 80's when we toured the world with
hair bands.
My thoughts and condolences go to all his family
and friends.
From: Michael P. Mule |
I did some of my
first tours with Gungi in the early 80's. I will
never forget him handing me down Martin horns off
the top of the stack while I tried to keep up with
him. he taught me a lot back then. A Great person
and Great engineer who could make anything sound
R.I.P. Gungi |
From: Tom (TC) Calcaterra |
Gungi,my old mate,
I have no words....My thoughts are with your family
T.C. |
From: Vid |
Gungi was the kind
of man we all wish we could be. Strong, cool and
collected. Someone that we all looked up to, not
just in size(and I thought I was tall), but in how
we should treat people that we come across in our
lives. I had done many tours in the 80's and 90's
with him, and learned a great deal. Many of you
were on those tours so you know exactly what I am
talking about.
Sure I got stories, but that’s for the bar
when we are together having a laugh.
At your gig today or if your visiting one, take
a moment to look at the PA and think and reflect
how he made our lives richer, for the time we spent
with him.
Rest in Peace my Friend. And Thank You. |
From: Jamey Brock |
I have one very
vivid memory of Gungi....I didn't know him well,
but he welcomed us out while doing support for the
new media servers used on SOAD.
Carl Wake shows up with a new leopard print hair
do, and Gungi stands over the back of Carl, looks
down at his head, and says, "Nice HAT!"
Everyone rolled! He just walked away grinning....
I am sure there are many great stories to be
told, and celebrate such wonderful life, full
of great adventures! We should all aspire to so
Thanks for the memories, and inspiration Gungi!
From: Glenn C. Bowman |
I had the privilege
of working with Gungi on System of a Down several
years ago. Wonderful person and a loss to our industry.
My prayers are with his family.
Glenn Bowman
From: Paul Owen |
The industry has
lost a true legend, i had the pleasure of working
with Gungi many time in the past years, even as
early as Deep Purple in 87, he will be greatly missed.
God bless you Gungi |
From: Rich Vinyard |
He will be missed
Rich Vinyard |
From: Brad Greenberg |
My thoughts and
prayers go out to his family and friends. You will
not be forgotten |
From: Anthony Carr |
Sad sad news
From: Big Al |
Via Con Dios my
friend... |
From: Barrie (Barru) Evans |
Gungi, a true gentle
giant, you are already missed.
I didn't see much of you once you had had moved
to the States, but the mere mention of your name
always brought a smile to my face.
Your suffering is over now my friend, but be
assured, you will never be forgotten.
I lost my mum this year, who was also suffering
with cancer, so I understand that pain.
My thoughts and prayers go to Bridget and his
I'm raising my glass to you, cheer's mate, glad
to have known you.
From: Louis Ball |
Well this really
is a sad day... Lets hope that you can now be at
peace..My thoughts go out to Bridget and the boy's
I will cherish the years we worked together... So
Farewell Pal Love and kisses |
From: Richard Ames |
A brave man to
the end. I gave him his first job as FOH on the
Kate Bush Tour of Life in 79, I still remember the
audition, in the Hammersmith Odeon playing tapes
as KB and family listened to the system. He told
me last month it was his favorite tour and it was
a real pleasure to have worked along side him. RIP
Gungi xxx
Richard Ames |
From: Mike Buffa |
R.I.P my friend... |
From: Neil Studs Watson |
A very sad day.
A true Legend and I am very grateful for knowing
him let alone work along side him.
All the best mate |
From: Aron Michalski |
I knew somehow
that I would write this from a bunk, my ears ringing
and my day done. I once had a bunk below Gungi and
as I was Falling asleep I thought I saw the top
(his bottom) moving; I didn't give it much of a
thought. In the morning we found that the bus company
had secured the bunks with a handful of small wood
screws and all but one of them had sheered off.
I was one good pothole away from having this big
wonderful friend crush me.
I could get wrapped up in regrets but he'd have
none of it. He had a way of disarming the overly
serious such as myself and lighten the mood of
the room, no matter the size.
Be at peace, release the long pain and know that
we carry your memory with us like a shield, a
beacon, a relaxing breath, a breathtaking kick
drum strike, a gentle, rolling Scottish laugh
that sounded like it looked and transformed us
We are all richer for having known you.
From: Yann |
What a very sad
news. I got the chance to work next to Gungi for
about a week in Paris (france) couple of years ago.
The man was just perfect, Gungi I’ll miss
you, I had the week of my life. Rip Gordon. Toutes
mes condoléances a sa famille.
Yann |
From: Tobias Niedenthal |
R.I.P. |
From: Colin Boland |
So sad. RIP Gungi.
Such a nice man. |
From: Peter James Currier |
I hadn't seen Gungi
for years but never forgot him, what a lovely man
the world is a poorer place without him. |
From: Steve Wood |
I'm so glad that
Gungi and I spoke only recently as during that conversation
it wasn't actually said but he intimated to me that
the end was near and I choked up on the call.....we
had know each other for more than 20 years and had
toured all over the world with so many different
He would always greet me with the words, "Ah,
Mr Wood" in that Scottish tone and I would
always reply "Ah, Mr Gungi"....in fact
it was that way when I called him only a few weeks
My thoughts and my prayers go out to his wife
Brigitte and his 2 sons who hopefully will take
some comfort if they read all of these posts,
knowing that Gungi was loved and respected by
his peers, a joy to be around and a consummate
professional who's reputation was truly world
I already miss Gungi but at the same time feel
honored to have known and worked along side him
Steve Wood
From: Bill Sheppell |
RIP Gungi. My heart
goes out to your family. You are missed.
Bill Sheppell
From: Mical "Mikey" Caterina |
I'm going to miss
you bro... |
From: Charles |
Our Sympathy to
wards the death of Gordon.... R.I.P. |
From: Carl Davino |
My condolences
to Gungi's family and to our "family"
of Road Guys & Gals...Gungi touched so many
lives. He will be missed. A gentleman and a talent.
To all the guys at Tasco, again my condolences.
Carl Davino
From: Steve "Shorty" Kades |
It's been 15 years since our last meeting, that’s
the road for ya, our prayers are with you and your
loving family. RIP My Friend,
From: Cdub |
To have the blessing
to know you, have had the opportunity to work with
you, and the beauty to have felt your friendship,
I will always be humbled and thankful. I love you,
I feel you, and I miss you.
C |
From: Jon Martin |
Godspeed Brother.
Save some room at FOH up there!
From: Richard Fantl |
My condolences
go out to Gungi. He raised the bar for mixing metal.
We will miss him dearly. |
From: Mike Bess |
No body ever gave
me as much shit as Gungi. I will never for get him
asking me "So Bessie.......What's it like.......What's
it like being such a big homo!". Ah ....Gungi
my brother you will live in our hearts, thoughts
and prayers. God Bless you and your family.
From: Shifty G |
R.I.P. Gungi. It
was a pleasure and you will be sadly missed. |
From: David "Fozzy" Fosbinder |
Aloha my friend...your
wisdom will live on forever!!!!!
Fozzy |
From: Dennis Stone |
We lost another
pioneer Gungi was one of the Best! Kick it with
Randy, Steve, Jimi, RIP, Brother, You will be missed! |
From: David C.Jackson
G'bye Gungi. So
sad that you finally had to leave, I'd hoped we
would meet again in this life. Maybe in the next,
bon voyage bro'. |
From: Brian "Wookie" Wolk |
Raise a toast to
a much respected and loved individual. Never met
Gungi, but worked with many who did. Old school
soldier. Pleasant journey. |
From: Nori |
A very sad day
for us, all his friends in Japan.
Gungi, your spirit will be with us forever...RIP |
From: Rob Treloar |
God Bless |
From: Bob Dallas |
You are a legend my friend and that will transcend
time, whoever is up in rock and roll heaven standing
behind the console...move over and put in the ear
plugs...Gungi has arrived! and it is time for him
to show you how it is done...You were one of the
best . and that is a testament in itself...rest
in peace my friend!
My condolences to his family...immediate and on
the road! |
From: Stuart Gray |
From: Patrick Mcgovern |
:( very bummed
but kind of knew it was coming Gungi was great man
i haven't seen him in along time but i still think
of him once in awhile and still will till the day
i join him where ever we go ! he was one of the
nicest ,friendliest people I’ve met in this
business too bad he had to leave so soon :( |
From: Herman Ward |
RIP Gungi my prayers
go out to your family.
peace and love,
Herman Ward |
From: Thomas Howard |
Gungi... indeed
you will be missed. I remember the going head to
head with you three shows in a row, something about
rigging points and sight lines in one city, barricade
and subs in another, and subs in a fire lane is
a third. You were a man of integrity, who helped
make shows memorable for millions of music fans!
you will be missed indeed.
Thomas Howard
From: Joel Reiff |
I am very saddened
to hear that we have lost a true pioneer and a good
guy. He'll live on every time a power chord chimes.
My condolences to his family. Wherever he is, I'm
sure he's turning it up to eleven. |
From: Anthony Byrd/T-Byrd |
I am so sad to
hear this,My heart and soul go out with respect
and honor of knowing a great man and mentor.He was
a great guy and a respected sound engineer and I
am glad to have known and worked with him on occasions.
"Gungi", you are the BEST and You will
be missed and always be remembered in my thoughts
and prayers. RIP |
From: Jamo Rephann |
What a sad day.RIP
Gungi my friend.
Your family is in my thoughts and prayers... |
From: Tim Lawrence (Poppa Smurf) |
to an Old Brother, and a new soul, may your passage
be safe..I will miss you my friend...
Tim Lawrence (Poppa Smurf) |
From: Michael Nachtigal |
sincere condolences, sad news |
From: Pinky |
From the first
moment I met Gungi, I was flattered by the respect
that he gave to the opinion of a mere 'local laborer'...and
over the years and the many more co-working experiences
we shared in the San Francisco Bay Area, I was always
humbled by the fact that this man ALWAYS had time
to hang out and talk.
I was saddened to learn that he had spent time in
a hospital (literally) behind my flat here in SF
while I was home off tour, so close that I would've
visited him daily, if only I had known...
I am a better man for having known, experienced,
and worked along side Gungi, GOD BLESS.
Pinky |
From: Bobby Schneider |
Dear Gungi
We lived thru the 80s and then some. Your a true
example of a good man. Our thoughts are with you
RIP my friend.
Deepest sympathies to Brigitte & the boys
and your family. Hopefully we will all help to
look after them.
Peace & much LOVE
Bobby Schneider
From: Marty Weiand |
What a tremendous
loss to the industry. My thoughts and prayers go
out to his family. I don't think i can ever see
or listen to Judas Priest With out thinking about
him, and how good it ALWAYS sounded, especially
the kick drum (he did tell me his secret back in
88 on how he used to get that sound!) RIP my brother.
Marty Weiand |
From: Hodgie |
I knew him from TASCO, Very sad news , a really
great guy, my condolences to his family.
Hodgie |
From: Jessica Bos |
I had been thinking
about you all morning, wondering how you were
doing and how your fam was doing... then I got the
call and found out
the news. My heart is so broken. I am so glad I
came up to visit you
this summer with my dad. It was so good to see you.
We will miss you
so much. I will still never forget the first time
I saw you when I was
only a little girl and thinking, wow, someone actually
taller than my
Dad! ;D I'm glad we moved close to you so we could
have dinner
together and you could come see my band play, and
so I could get to
know Bridget. She is an amazing and strong woman.
Loves to her and
your family. May you rest in peace now. <3
Jessica Bos
From: Jim Manngard |
Sorry to hear the
sad news! May Gungi RIP and God bless him and his
family and friends! He will be truly missed by us
all. He was a great guy! Cheers to Gungi!!!
Jim Manngard |
From: Marshall Sweeten |
I will always remember
you my friend. I was working for Light + Sound
Design when we met.
Rest Easy,
Marshall Sweeten |
From: Afton Hefley |
Thank you for all that you have taught me out
on the road and even
more so in life. Your positivity and spirit are
inspiring, to say the
least and I'm am so fortunate and grateful to
have known that. You
are missed tremendously.
Rest in peace, dear Gungi.
Afton Hefley
From: Batty X |
On such a sad sad
day i think of you Gunge and i get a massive smile
break out on my face, i reckon i'm not alone, rest
in peace pal.
Batty X |
From: Jack Funk |
One of the great
ones of our time has fallen. you will be missed,
but remembered in great stories.
Rest in Peace my Friend.
Jack Funk |
From: Daniel Keller |
No matter how forewarned
one is, the news is still hard to swallow. Gungi,
you made such an impression on so many, even those
of us who only met you briefly. You could have easily
said you were too busy to spend precious pre-show
time with yet another artist relations guy, but
you went above and beyond to make me feel welcome.
As is clear from all the other posts here, that
was your way, each and every day with everyone you
God speed, brother. There's much love in your
Daniel Keller
Get it In Writing Inc.
From: Steve Brumbach |
I have a heavy
heart today. I have shed my tears for my friend.
this day forward I will always have a smile when
remembering the
gentle giant. His compassion, good humour and kindness
are what I will
remember most. Save a place at the table my friend...
in due time we
share a smile again! My condolences to Bridgette
and the boys. To the
last I know his only concern was for his family.
Steve Brumbach |
From: Debbie Wunder |
news saddens me. I worked with Gungi numerous times
when he brought his bands through Late Night with
Conan O'Brien and he was a perfect gentleman. It
always was a pleasure to work with him - there need
to be more people like him in the touring world.
A terrible loss for anyone that knew him.
Debbie Wunder |
From: Tina Beanz |
They say that when
people die, they only go as far as God and God is
very near. Please send my love to Bridget and all
of Gungi's family - at this so sad time.
Love you,
Tina Beanz |
From: Nicky D |
What an honor it
was to work and hang out with you Gungi over the
years. You made touring easy and down right fun.
No one will ever be able to do the "over head
mic dance" and well as you :) Thanks for the
life long memories! The thoughts and prayers of
the whole D'Virgilio clan are with you and your
beautiful family.
Nicky D
From: Muffie Alejandro |
Gungi, go with
God speed and be in peace. You were a giant in the
industry. No one can fill that space quite the way
you did and you are deeply missed.
Muffie Alejandro |
From: Jane Holman |
Travel safe, Gungi,
and carry our love to all our departed brothers
and sisters. I'll be watching for your soul in the
eyes of every tall, wiry young redhead!!
Jane Holman |
From: Gus Thomson |
We will miss you.
Gus Thomson |
From: Pash |
I first met Gungi
years back in Minneapolis. We had not actually met
yet, only talked over email, where he had told me
to simply, "find the
big guy" when you arrive at the venue.
There was no mistaking this man, as he emerged from
behind the
soundboard. He kindly took me and my son backstage
and had a
wonderful chat. I had given him a hat, and of course
it barely fit
over his Jeff Lynne style hair.
Over the years we communicated over email, and a
few calls. It was
during this time I learned of his illness, and then
his direction of
seeking help outside the USA. I don't think he ever
thought of these
locations as offering "alternative" treatments....
they seemed the
RIGHT thing to do, for mind, body and spirit (sounds
like Gungi -
doesn't it ?!?) I was always inspired by his quest
and his strength
everyday. If you have read his blog entries, you'll
understand. I
want to instill in my kids what he taught us all...
No fear, no pity only courage and strength.
Apple, Inc.
From: Roland Beckerle |
He will leave a
gap in our world.
We feel with his family.
Roland Beckerle |
From: Rick Smith |
My heartfelt condolences
to Bridget!
May you rest easy now Gungi the fight is over!
Rick Smith
From: Charlton Pettus |
Ah Mr. Paterson,
I was perusing your guestbook and, apparently,
you were not always
the mature, responsible, fixture of propriety
and decency
nursemaiding middle aged children through airports
and hotel lobbies.
some of those pictures were downright disturbing.
folly of youth I
suppose. you are one of the good ones.
mr. pettus
From: Doug Petty |
It has been an honor and a pleasure getting to
work with you as well
as getting to know you these past few years. You
are a great friend
that I will always have a tremendous amount of
respect and admiration
I feel very fortunate that I was able to get to
know you and I think
often of all of the good times we had.
You're the best,
From: Blaine Brinton |
Thank you for setting
the standards high, whether mixing a band or fighting
a courageous battle over the past few years--always
with that award-winning smile on your face. The
smile continues to shine down on us as an ever-present
reminder of what you gave to our industry and this
world. You’ll be missed brother.
From: Gary Westman |
No ego, no drama,
no white gloves. The best person to work with. We
have missed you for years but now forever. Let us
that knew him not forget Bridget and the boys in
our prayers.
From: Kieran Healy |
For Gungi &
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until
we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
God Bless you Gungi old friend,
Kieran Healy
From: Kevin Zuber |
I just feel priviliged
to have known gungi for quite a while now and living
close by was able to visit with gungi and his family
often. He fought this disease with everything he
had and used every resource possible. Always with
such a positive attitude despite the circumstances.
Im really gonna miss you my friend and all the long
talks we had about music and life over the years.
Kevin Zuber |
From: Sophie Baudin-Saillet |
Fais de jolis rêves,
So |
From: Glenn S. Kaufman |
Our industry has
lost one of the VERY BEST and you will be missed
always but NEVER FORGOTTEN...
We toured the rockin eighties together and I have
always had much respect for who you have been to
My heart to your family in this time of grief....REST
IN PEACE old friend.....
Glenn S. Kaufman
From: Brad Skrip |
Rest in Peace my
FRIEND! You were and are a good man. God will bless
you as you have led a wonderful life and have been
a true friend to all whom you have met.
You will be missed.
Brad |
From: Jan Janvier |
Well, now there
is a Great Soundman to mix for GOD's Rock Band!!
Rock On Gungi, See you on the other side!
Jan Janvier |
From: Roger Gibbons |
Gungi – my
friend, teacher, mentor…..The world is a smaller
place without you……Much love and respect
Roger |
From: Glenn C. Bowman |
I only worked with
Gungi for a few weeks many years ago, but he was
a great person to work with and especially to know.
In our small community of professionals and friends
it’s nice to know there’s so much support
for someone. This outpouring of kind words and memories
shows how much you will be missed, Gungi.
Glenn C. Bowman |
From: Heather Burns |
And you pray for
sun in a frozen wind
And you make your bed on the street
And you keep your spirit awake
And you mix your blood with the beat
I will be free
I`m meant to be
I will be free
In the end that`s something worth fighting for.
Heather Burns |
From: Andrew Battye |
To have known him,
is to have loved him. |
From: Spencer |
I was very intimidated
by his height & status as 1st timer in the States
doing sound for the opening act (FF) for Megedeth,but
he was a really nice guy,showing me some stuff comforting
me, great guy U will be missed, see u later,
Spencer |
From: Philip Wilkey |
Over 30 years of
friendship and too many tours to remember....Gordon
I love you and you'll be the first one I'll come
looking for.Goodbye for
now me old mate......see you on the other side.
From: Malvin Mortimer |
Gungi P. How dare
you leave me!
You and I enjoyed so many (at least one, anyway)
fabluss moments as we tried to change the world
in the 80"s. It has been too long.
Remember when you told me that my head was all red
and pink? Well I am here and now to tell you that
I am still of those colours and will
never forget the times we shared during the time
that you purported to be the FOH guy and I pretended
to know what I was doing whilst faking my job as
GTR tech for SMC. (I hope that you will be in his
company now... he still needs a kick in the bollocks,
so go to it)
I will never forget our friendship, I will never
recover from my stiff
neck . .... caused by trying to look up at you for
so many years.
You will always be very tall and I will always be
very small....though
in equal measure, you always made me feel that I
was standing on an
honest orange box. As I stand as tall as possible
just now... In your honour. I remain pink of head
and red of neck...... Knowing that you will be the
only chap to get it. You are such a good egg...
Sunny side up mine host... and here is to you with
bottoms up.
From: Del Palmer |
This is indeed
a sad day...
Gordon was a huge bear of a man with a heart to
I remember well the first day I met him in 1979..
He said to me
"Don't worry Del I'm gonna make you sound fantastic.."
And he did....
I know Kate will be so sorry to hear of his passing
but we all
know that he is now no longer suffering..
All that is left is to remember a wonderful, caring,
beautiful spirit.. Goodbye
Del Palmer |
From: Richard Ames |
Regards |
From: Amy Keys |
My Dear Gungi.
What can you say about such an amazing and wonderful
man. I wish that I had been able to see you at least
once more. Though, I'm very happy to have a beautiful
"picture" in my mind of that great wide
smile and the sound of that booming voice in my
ears. Our loss is truly Heavens gain. God's speed
and peaceful rest, my dear friend. You will be sorely
missed. Amy Keys |
From: David R Shadoan |
The world has become
a quieter place. All our thoughts and prayers to
Gungi’s family. Dave Shadoan and everyone
at Sound Image. David
R Shadoan |
From: Dave Hill |
Gungi was a frequent
visitor to the Rainbow back in the late 70's when
I was Stage Manager and we had so much fun back
then, and somehow still managed to do our jobs......My
deepest sympathies... Dave |
From: Brenda J. Fowler |
Tonight I am summoned
to your home. A home I could call my own; to say
good bye to a dear friend. A friend who made me
feel as family. I held your your once warm and soft
hand, I kissed your once all too high forehead,
and I gave my sincere wishes to a man who looked
finally at peace after such suffering for too long.
Bitter sweet as it may be Gungi, I bid you farewell
to tour yet another new venue that will keep you
on the road to eternity.
God bless you. God bless your survivors and friends.
God bless all those you have touched.
It was an honor to be such a part of your life...as
well as the life you gave me.
Forever grateful, your one and only, Boo Boo
Brenda J. Fowler |
From: Jimmy Robison |
I'm so saddened
to get this news. I worked with Gungi with Billy
and I will miss his smiling face and fantastic presence.
May you find
peace my friend,
Jimmy Robison |
From: Spragoo |
Gunji, R.I.P. I
love you brother, I will never forget our times
together while we worked at TASCO, say hi to Pricey,
I will see you guys in the future.
Spragoo |
From: Martin |
sad to hear the news, Gungi, you take with you respect
and love from the entire industry, I just hope when
I go I get the same... somehow I doubt it...
they are indeed sad wings of destiny...
Martin & all at the Judas
Priest camp... xxx |
From: Justin Crew |
gentle giant, you touched my life and I will always
remember you with great fondness.
Justin Crew |
From: Blake Scott |
was blessed to have met you.
Thank you for your kindness
You have touched many and you will be missed
til we meet again gentile giant.
Blake Scott |
From: Michael
Kenney |
Goodbye for now,
my friend...
Michael Kenney |
From: Bud
Horowitz |
I have such great
memories of touring with Gungi in 1978 in Europe
with Devo, one of my very first tours. I remember
how much I looked
up up to Gungi, both literally and figuratively.
Go with God, my friend, and know how much you
meant to so many.
Bud Horowitz
From: Gabby |
Rest in peace,
Gungi. Your family and friends are in my prayers
and thoughts.
From: Steve
"Zoomie" Zelenka |
Rest in peace Gungi.
You have been such a shinning light to so many.
You will be missed.
Steve "Zoomie" Zelenka
From: Ann
Verdura |
I don't really
know what to say......thanks Gungi for always being
a good friend to me, you have always been in my
thoughts and always will be R.I.P. my friend.
Bridget, Wolfie, Baron m
My thoughts and prayers are with you, please call
me if you need anything.
Ann Verdura |
From: Rusty
Lowrey |
So sad to hear.
Gungi we're all thinking of you. Going to toast
you with a shot of single malt scotch. Cheers mate!
Rusty Lowrey
From: John
Lucksinger |
It saddens my heart
to lose someone like you R.I.P
Little John |
From: Curt
Smith |
R.I.P. my good
friend. Through the sadness I had to smile today.
asked you to stop by and lo and behold this afternoon
a giant hawk
decided to fly into the glass front of my house.
Me and the kids were
freaked out as we were sitting right there, but
it dusted itself off,
lingered for a while on the pool deck and then happily
flew away.
Thanks for that big guy.
Curt Smith
From: Steve
Grifiths |
Sorry to have lost
you, but pleased you have found peace. I will miss
you and so will many others whose lives you touched.
Farewell my friend, and my condolences to your family.
Grif |
From: Bobby
Schneider |
Dear Gungi
We lived thru the 80s and then
some. Your a true example of a good man. Our thoughts
are with you RIP my friend.
Deepest sympathies to Brigitte & the boys
and your family. Hopefully we will all help to
look after them.
Peace & much LOVE
Bobby Schneider |
From: Marty
Weiand |
What a tremendous
loss to the industry. My thoughts and prayers go
out to his family. I don't think i can ever see
or listen to Judas Priest With out thinking about
him, and how good it ALWAYS sounded ,especially
the kik drum( he did tell me his secret back in
88 on how he used to get that sound!) RIP my brother |
From: Hodgie |
I knew him from
TASCO, Very sad news , a really great guy, my condolences
to his family. Hodgie |
From: Seth
Goldman |
God speed Gungi...your
loss will be felt my all who knew you. Rest well
my friend |
From: Barrie
(Barru) Evans |
I guess God has
another good sound man in his squad now, catch up
with you in the future my friend.
Thank you you Tracy, in some ways I am relieved,
as I never wanted my friend to suffer anymore. He
did fight the good fight, bless him. |
Gungi was a great
man a great friend and a will always cast a huge
shadow in thus business. Not because of his stature,
but because of great skills, kind nature, and the
way he made bands sound the best they ever had.
I will miss him every day.
Tracy love and best wishes to you and to Gungi,
it is always hard to accept this kind of thing and
if anyone has the fight and the will to get through
this it is Gungi. You are so wonderful to keep su
all aware or his fight and I applaud you for that.
I will keep in touch all the best always and I will
pray for Gungi daily |
From: Jim
Ragus |
So very sorry to
hear of the passing of a legend. He was a true gentleman
in a business where that can be a rarity. I consider
it an honor to have known him. R.I.P. Jim
Ragus |
From: Randell
Gillespie |
I was fortunate
enough to have done at least one tour with Gungi.
Remember him well and will always regret not knowing
him better or getting the chance to work with him
again. Rest in peace, with all that you accomplished
and the hard fight you fought .... You have more
than earned some peace. Stay
strong Bridget and family!
Randell Gillespie |
From: Shawn
"Gus" Vitale |
original metal mixer! |
From: Tom
Stark |
R.I.P. Gungi |
From: Frank
Robbins |
So sorry to hear
this..a great loss for his friends that knew him
and for those who hadn't yet had the honor. Condolences
and peace to his family. Gungi, you fought the good
fight!! Now rest well... |
From: Tim
Harding |
R.I.P. Gungi
My sincerest condolences to Bridget and the boys.
Tim H. |
From: Jerry
Harvey |
Gungi was on my
first tour in 87. He showed me what being an A audio
guy was all about. He was always there to answer
a young roadie question and because of that I never
had an issue being up at 7 to build the Harwell
pyramid ground stack because of who he was as a
person. Our paths went different ways but I always
considered him a friend and a mentor. i will miss
him dearly. |
From: David
"Dopp" Colvin |
Dear Tracy,
I am sorry to hear of Gungi's passing. I met him
in the late 70's on my first europeon tour. He was
working with ML sound at the time and was my FOH
tech. He was an unforgettable character even as
a young man. A red headed giant, that was fearless,
stacking martin bins, philly shaves, and emilars
to the ceiling on narrow procenium thrusts, that
were common in Europe but unheard of in the states.
He was quick with a joke, and when the tour wrapped
up in Belgium he announced to me with a knowing
smile, that " You've done the twist, kissed
pretty women, and been to Brussels, You're a man
of the world."
I Always considered him a good friend and now 30
years later I bid him Farewell. |
From: Sean
Haggerty |
Gungi, a CLASS
act thru and thru.............thanks for the advice
and great humor. My best to his family. Sean
Haggerty |
From: Kenny
Leath |
I will miss
him |
From: Eve
Lombard Rule |
I am so sorry
- He was a real sweetie. Rest in Peace. |
From: LD
Glover |
So sad to here
this news. I was not aware that he was ill so the
news comes as a real shock. I did many dates with
Gungi back in the day. Always a good guy. Always
had a smile. I am 6'6" and so he was one of
the few people that I have met that I had to look
up to. I was with Krokus in those days and he used
to mix our sound on several dates. I
remember that Gungi knew that I loved the Judas
Priest song, "Another Thing Coming",
especially the drum part toward the end of the
song and every time it was played, he used to
crank the sound up and give me the thumbs up sign.
I lost touch with him after my
road days were over, and now I wish that I hadn't..
Rest in Peace old road friend... You will be missed
but not forgotten...
LD Glover |
From: James
Rivers |
I met Gungi on
the first world tour I did in 1984 as the FOH for
Queensryche. He was a great guy and an excellent
FOH tech. I'll never forget him... JR |
From: Jack
Valencia |
Fare well to a
great smiling giant. He was big in stature and big
in heart. In reading below, he touched many people
and that is a great legacy to leave behind.
I knew Gungi from Tasco...all I can say is, thanks
for the hearing loss!!. I remember If I would miss
a lighting cue he would just trun around, smile
and point his finger at me. I think he knew a lot
more than just audio. My
prayers and thoughts are with the family
Jack Valencia |
From: Guy
Sykes |
Gungi, You
will be missed... I had the pleasure of working
with him on my first real tour with Judas Priest
and Pantera in 1991. He was a great man and good
friend over the years. My thoughts and prayers
are with his family.
RIP Dear Friend |
From: Don
Weeks |
I didn't know him
on a personal level, though I did meet him a few
times. I do remember him being a true gentleman
and of course a great sound engineer. He meant so
much to so many. Condolences
to his wife, family and friends. RIP |
From: Greg
Bess |
A good man,
good friend and a trouper. His memories and legacy
will endure. |
From: Bill
Lanham |
One of the most
respected, talented, and good natured men I've ever
had the opportunity of knowing. It's an honor to
have worked with Gungi. Only a few people have the
talent, drive & spirit to attain "Legend"
status in this industry. Gungi's on top of my list!
You will be forever missed my
And your family will be well looked after.
miss you man,
Bill Lanham |
From: Athol
Fraser |
Truly one
of natures gentlemen and a real gem.Love ,Peace
and Blessings to all your family.
Atholl |
From: Darrel
"Beammer" Cummins |
I'm saden and at
a lost for words. "Gungi you'll be dearly miss
Our Brother. Thanks for making a positive difference
in this self-center, curl, dog-eat-dog world. Your
spirit will stay renewed and present in everyone
that you ever came in contact with." "Well
Done Mate !".
Beammer -:(( |
From: Cdub |
To have the blessing
to know you, have had the opportunity to work with
you, and the beauty to have felt your friendship,
I will always be humbled and thankful. I love you,
feel you, and miss you.
C |
From: Jason
Vrobel |
My prayers go out
to Bridget and their sons. RIP Gungi. Jason
Vrobel |
From: Scotty
Ross |
Now God has someone
to keep everyone in line.
Gungi will truly be missed. Much
love and respect,
Scotty Ross |
From: Ray
Amico |
Will miss you Gungi,
will always remember the inspiration you gave me
and what you meant to me as a friend... Thank
you to everyone that helped and contributed throughout
his fight - let's keep that spirit going and help
Bridget and the boys as they will need it now
as much as ever.
Ray Amico |
From: Spyder |
Life is just a
stepping stone, and that was one hell-of-a-step.
R.I.P brother.
see ya on the other side even though we never meet
on this one. |
From: Djordje
"George" Kovacevic |
I am so sorry to
hear such a bad news ... rest in peace !
George Kovacevic |
From: Josh
"Jrau" Scott |
Sorry to hear!
R.I.P.! |
From: David
"Big Dave" George |
You were a giant amongst us in more ways than the
obvious. Your heart, your abilities, are just a
couple of them. Thanks for your friendships. You
will be missed by all who knew you.
David |
From: Tony
Mitchell |
tony mitchell sending
all love and condolences to the family...gungi was
one of the best, as an engineer and a person...he'll
be sorely missed |
From: Aidan
Mullen |
Gungi, someone
to look "up" to. Someone we can all learn
from. Someone we'll all miss terribly! God bless
my friend!
Aidan |
From: Daniel
R Murphy |
In the short time
I spent with Priest, Gungi would always have an
affectionate "slap" for me - all I had
to do was ask!! Thoughts and prayers to his family.
Be glad his suffering is over. Godspeed Best
- DM |
From: Charlie
Bradshaw |
Gungi was one of
a kind! He will be missed by many around the world.
All the very best to his family and friends. |
From: Armand
Butts Crump |
Gunji your legacy
will live on forever with the "Gunji Bunks"....
I hope your in a better place Bro... |
From: Rik
Hart |
Top top fella and
an amazing engineer. |
From: Howie
Lindeman |
Yes it is a sad
day when someone cool passes,, but at least he is
on his way to a place where ya dont have to look
for gigs or chase your pay check....He IS a GREAT
guy and will be missed by ALL.
Keep on Keepin on Gungi dude.
From: Kristen
Pierson |
My heartfelt condolences
to all his family and friends. |
From: Fumi
Okazaki |
God bless Gungi.
It is very sad news to hear. You are one of the
best FOH in heavy rock band.
You will be missed very much. My heart goes out
to all his friends and family.
Rest in peace. |
From: Shooz
i.e. Ron Matthews |
Gungi and I have
had quite a history of being on the road together
and I will miss him and his humor, and of course
his ears....
Shooz |
From: Tim
Mercer |
All of us at Humphrey's
will miss your smiling face and huge laugh.
Tim |
From: Arthur
and the Knights |
Peace from Arthur
and the Knights |
From: Jim
Rivers |
I met Gungi on
the first world tour I did in 1984 as the FOH for
Queensryche. He was a great guy and an excellent
FOH tech. Soon thereafter, we worked at Tasco together.
After many years of not seeing him I often wondered
what he was doing. I feel honored to have known
Gungi and send my condolences to his family. Thanks
for everything, Gungi.
Jim Rivers |
From: John
Araya |
My deepest condolences
to the paterson family. my sister recently passed
away due to ovarian cancer. i know the sadness and
pain you are going through. gungi was a fine gentleman
with a great sense of humor and and he was one of
the best engineers in the business. he will be greatly
rest in peace, Gungi.
Araya |
From: Ivan
Copelan |
The Touring industry
has lost a wonderful man he will be dearly missed.
My thoughts and prayers go out to all his family
and friends.
Ivan Copelan |
From: David
M Moncrieffe II |
My best wishes
and prayers to you my friend and your family.
Rest in Peace always,
Dave Moncrieffe
From: Mark
Ricigliano |
Gungi Guru.....You
will be greatly missed!!
From: Tim
"Quake" Mark |
One of the true
legends. A good Man. A Great Sound Guy.
My condolences to the Family.
God Bless Gungi.
T. Quake Mark |
From: Cosmo |
Godspeed Gungi...you
will be sorely missed. This industry owes you a
lot- more than just technically, but you as a person
set the bar for how to act, how to behave and most
of all, how to enjoy life. We all also appreciate
your 3-year fight, it gave us all a chance to thank
you and let you know how very much you mean to all
of us. Now, my friend, you can rest... |
From: Martyn
"Ferrit" Rowe |
Och Gungi,
what a sad year 2009 is!
Luv to you and condolences to Brigit and the kids. |
From: Mark
Cunningham |
Very sad news.
I met Gungi during the Koh Samui festival and could
tell how well respected he was. Another great professional
leaves us. Condolences to his nearest and nearest
from all at TPi magazine. |
From: Charles
Boxhall |
your God bless you, I wish you safe travels. I am
very sorry to hear of yet another fine soul taken
too early.If I can be of help please do let me know. |
From: Rick
Gould |
God Bless Gungi....I
will not forget him. My prayers are with you and
your family. Best Regards, Rick Gould |
From: Steve
Roman |
Rest In Peace! |
From: Anthony
Giordano |
I know he will
be missed , Things will never be that Loud,
He was one of the good ones , my I hear u from the
heavens my old friend.
Anthony Giordano |
From: Chris
Lohden |
Sending my regards.
Thanks for the memories!
From: Blake
Elkin |
Terrible news.
If you have been around long enough, you would have
crossed paths with this pro at some point in your
career. RIP, you will be missed, sir. |
From: Maxie
Williams |
I man I will miss
very much. Motley Crue 94. YOU ARE THE BEST.
Maxie Williams
From: Lil
Ricky aka G.Nix |
bless you Gungi...
I met gungi thru criss wong my dearest friend on
this planet...I saw him become his friend like he
was mine
i got to ride on a tour bus with him....and listen
to his wisdom...what an honor am sure i will see
him again
i can count on it...and am sure i will be listening
once again....rest in perfect peace Gungi.....
your's truly George Nix |
From: Mike
Freeland |
sincere condolences. Gunji was one of the first
really big time engineers I met when as a system
tech back in the eighties, I began doing larger
shows. His professionalism, skills, and humor was
an inspiration to me. He will be missed.
Mike Freeland |
From: Big
Nobby |
Big Nobby |
From: Nick
Marson |
Although only meet
Gungi breifly he left a lasting impression with
A great man who will be saldy missed.
My thoughts go out to his family. Nick
Marson |
From: Nook
Schoenfeld |
was a great man and one of the best heavy metal
FOH mixers ever. If you were fortunate enough to
have toured with this gentle giant of a man consider
yourself lucky. I know he fought his disease for
a long time and he's finally at rest and pain free.
In recognition of his life, I plan on pumping some
hard rock at a loud level tonite, in his honor.
Rest in peace bro,
Nook |
From: Ian
(Percy) Peacock |
A very sad day
for all the scottish clan on the roads of the planet.
I shall remember him as big gentle man.
Reply by Ian Peacock 7 minutes ago
So sad to hear about Gunji. I knew him from the
Tasco days in London. Was in touch with him last
year but never did get a chance to see him. Although
we did not see each other for years he was always
a part of a group of people I have a connection
with and have good memories of the few times we
worked together.
My thoughts are with his family.
All the best to you Gunji
Lots of Love
Ian (Percy) Peacock
From: Chad
Olech |
RIP Gungi...
you will be greatly missed |
From: Scott
Warner |
I'm so sad to hear
this. I remember meeting him at a show in Pittsburgh
many years ago. A really nice man and a heck of
an engineer. |
From: Alan
Hornall |
I am so sorry to
hear the news, he will be sorely missed
Alan Hornall
From: Ian Kelly |
He will be missed by many.
My heart goes out to all his friends and family.
Ian Kelly
From: Willie
Maynard |
We at Jan-Al Cases
are very sorry to hear that.....he will be missed. |
From: Eric
Swartz |
A sad day indeed.
You touched a lot of lives including mine and for
that you will always be remembered.
Rest in Peace. |
From: GRUNO |
Gungi... you will
be missed,
You were such a great friend and mentor. What
I learned from you I value intensely. The impact
you made on me (and all you encountered) will
be felt by all!
You will be missed.
From: Scottie
& Co |
To a friend I had
nothing but respect for, and trust from you Gungi.
To share an office with you was a pleasure, and
your friendship more. You took time out to come
and visit me, I wish I had the opportunity to reciprocate.
You were an inspiration, and a real friend. Love
to the family that you loved so much.
RIP Scottie x |
From: Tracy
Williams |
I promise to keep in touch with your beautiful family.
You were very loved. I will miss you very much.
Tracy Williams |
From: Carolyn
Henneforth |
Hello again, Gungi.
Just stopping by to send some love and brightest
blessings to you and your family. How I wish I had
the honor of meeting you. You are so well respected
and much loved, fine things for any man.
Sending hugs, love and strength to you and yours.
Carolyn Henneforth
Missouri, USA |
From: Brenda
J. Fowler |
My time with you
is cherished. Our recent conversations humble and
sincere. My gratitude for embracing me as one of
your own, priceless.
You have taught me many things, Gungi. I will forever
be grateful. Having witnessed your courageous and
diligent battle against this hideous disease, I
saw a man hell-bent and tenacious on a mission to
break new ground. And you did.
I have promised you that Bridget, Baron, and Wolfgang
will always, always have a 'go to' person in me.
This is what cancer cannot do:
Cancer is so limited
It cannot cripple love
It cannot shatter hope
It cannot corrode faith
It cannot destroy peace
It cannot kill friendship
It cannot suppress memories
It cannot silence courage
It cannot invade the soul
It cannot steal eternal life
It cannot conquer the spirit.
Author unknown
But this is what I do know:
"No fear, no pity, only courage and strength."
I'm so proud of you,
All my love, BooBoo
Brenda J. Fowler |
From: Curt |
I could look at the keyboard
for hours and still not be able to put
into words how much you enriched so many lives.
I've never met such a caring, calm and genuinely
kind person. For you it's not show, you
just have that gift. If this goes the way I believe
it's going I
expect you will stop by in your next journey and
say hi - at least I
truly hope so. With love always.
Curt |
From: Schmee |
I have been following this page for several years
now. I, too, had this illness in 2005/2006. I know
that it is a tough battle. The road was a better
place with you on it. I will keep you and yours
in my prayers. Sending positive vibes your way.
Schmee |
From: Gabby |
Hello, Gungi.
You are always in my family and I's prayers and
thoughts. Take care, and God Bless.
With Love and Hugs,
Gabby |
From: Grif |
I ran into Brooksie today at Bumbershoot (after
about 15 years) and he gave me an update on your
condition. I don’t how to say this –
still a brit – but I’ll jump straight
in. I was an honour knowing and working with you,
and always remember the pride I felt when you
told someone on a bus that I was a decent engineer
– (spent too much time behind a desk). Coming
from you that was high praise indeed.
You have fought really hard over the last few
years. I really hope you are at peace with yourself
and your family, and can stay comfortable.
Cheers… Grif
Thoughts are with you
From: Jeff
Dunn |
Dear Gungi,
I went to see Judas Priest last week here in Fla
and it was a definite blast from the past. I thought
about you often during the show I'll have to say.
The strange part came afterwards when we just walked
out the door instead of packing up and loading 2
semi's full of Harwell!
Best wishes for you and yours... I learned a lot
from you and will always look up to you (no pun
Jeff Dunn |
From: Scott
"Le Rock" Findlay |
Hey, Gungi
I think I met u on the Buckcherry UK tour. I was
doing Heavens Basement. Anyways, think of you, man!
Stay Strong!
Scott |
From: Raza
Sufi |
All my love...still learning much from you.
Skin up!
Raza |
From: David
Reilly |
Mr Gungi,
I have never met you. They tell me i'd remember.
It's a safe bet that you were around with the sound
or production
company at some gig i did in UK back in the day
(75-83); Jackson
Browne, Little Feat, Earth Wind and Fire, Joni Mitchell...
All my friends look up to you and respect you. And
they are the best,
so you must be.
They say you have taken a bold and different path
through your
affliction. You stand as an example of courage for
us all when hard
times come. May your days be peaceful and filled
with love.
David Reilly |
From: Nobby |
just finished another run with tool. Everytime I
look at that protools rig of mine I think of you
at Hammersmith Odeon with tears for fears telling
me you could have bought a rig for what I wanted
to charge you rental!
God bless you man,
Nobby x |
From: Bob
Rice |
It's Bob Rice. We worked on the "Break Like
the Wind" tour of Spinal
Tap way back when. I've been tuning in to your
progress on the
website, and wanted to send you my best wishes
in your fight. You are
in my daily thoughts and prayers. Before I heard
you mix, I'd never
heard a loud show sound so fucking good. (can
I say fucking here?)
You've been the standard for me ever since.
I'm not sure who else could have made something
musical out of 5 guys all playing bass guitar
on Big Bottom, but you somehow managed to pull
it off. Good on ya. I'm sure it was one of your
achievements, but I'm glad I was there for it.
Wishing you and your family the best.
much love,
Bob Rice
Culver City, CA
From: David R. Shadoan |
Hi, Gungi
Just checking in to say hi and send you our best
wishes and prayers. Keep up the fight, I know you
will. From everyone here.
David R. Shadoan |
From: Steve "Ziggy" Bartlett
Very sorry to hear of your situation, hoping for
the best for you all.
Steve "Ziggy" Bartlett |
From: Carolyn Henneforth |
Gungi dear,
You and your family have been in my thoughts lately.
I wish I could take your illness and pain away.
Warmest hugs and love to you and yours,
Carolyn |
From: Mabel |
My prayers are with you and your family. Stay strong
and positive.
Kinghorn, Scotland |
From: Simon
“Thud” Hardiman |
Last time we
meet was at the Sebel Townhouse in Sydney having
a drink with Tracey the LD back in 97 or there
abouts. I don’t recall the tour you were
on but that isn’t relevant now. It’s
all about the tour we want you on. Keep on fighting.
Kind Regards
Simon “Thud” Hardiman |
From: Fiona |
You don't know
me, but I knew your Mum and Dad through my Mum &
Dad, Mabel & Ronnie. I get news on how you are
doing through Jessie who is my neighbor's friend.
My thoughts are with you, Bridget, and the boys.
Keep fighting this horrible disease.
Kirkcaldy, Scotland |
From: Gabriella
(Gabby) Bekeffi |
Dearest Gungi,
Don't know if you remember me, but I was your
runner for the Fiona shows in NYC, in '05 &
You made an impression on me with not only your
height, but your warmth, kindness and humor.
It was a true pleasure working with you.
I'm so sorry to hear you're not well!
I am wishing you strength to continue your fight,
and will keep you and your family in my thoughts
and prayers.
Gabriella (Gabby) Bekeffi
From: Jeff
Kurtz |
Hi Gungi,
I’m a friend of Ann Verdura’s. We
met on my boat in Dana Point, CA on a trip to
Catalina Island. Had a great time that day catching
some fish and hanging out on the island. Sorry
to hear you’re not feeling well. Just wanted
to say I wish you well and hope our paths cross
Best Wishes,
Jeff Kurtz & Jenn O’Boyle
From: Fergie |
Hi, Gungi
Just talked to Davie and Guss - They tell me that
you hit a bump in your fight. I just wanted you
to know that you are often in my thoughts. I have
many great memories of our times together.
Stay Strong.
Love, Fergie |
From: Gus Thomson |
Hi, Gungi
Gus from Delicate Productions here. Keep on fighting
there, never give up. I have very fond memories
of the time we were in Hawaii, you looked after
us very well. I am thinking of you.
-Gus |
From: Julia Rayner |
Hi, Gungi
It's been a very long time, unfortunately we lost
touch when you went to the States. Just wanted to
say that my thoughts & prayers are with you
and your family. Stay strong and keep up the good
God Bless,
Julia Rayner |
From: Gabby |
Hello, Gungi
You and your family are always in my thoughts and
Take care.
With love & hugs,
Gabby |
From: Rob Steel |
This is Rob Steel from Avolites. I worked with Gungi
at Tasco in the early 80's. The photo here is of
Gungi from Judas Priest's "Defenders Of The
Faith" tour in 1984 which we were both on.
From: Deptford John |
Stay strong mate,you
of all people are bigger than this ! I'll say a
prayer for you mate.
Deptford John |
From: Carolyn Henneforth |
Hiya Gungi &
Sending good wishes and brightest blessings your
Went to see Tears For Fears in Vegas in July....great
show....but I wish you could have been there. I'm
jealous of all of these people posting...people
that have met you in the past.
Know that you and your family are in my thoughts....hang
in there, Gungi. Sending love, hugs and everything
positive to you and your family.
Carolyn |
From: Scott Tatter and Family |
Hey Gungi.
Scott Tatter here. I just want you to know that
Wendy and my thoughts and prayers are with you,
Bridgette and the boys.
You've fought, and are fighting, the good fight.
It makes me even more proud you are my friend. Well
You taught me many audio lessons while I was your
systems tech for Showco. I still use that knowledge
to this day, and it keeps me working.(even when
I don't want to be....) Thank you Gung. God's speed
wherever your journey takes you from here.
With great feelings and love,
Scott Tatter and Family |
From: Ted Keedick |
Hi Gungi,
I've been thinking of you more often lately. I'm
not sure if I've ever actually told you that when
I was a teenager, I used to watch you work at venues
like the New Haven CollIseum, and dream of being
one of you guys.
At first I felt I should reach out to thank you
for the professional inspiration. Upon further consideration,
I just may show up on your doorstep and thank you
properly for setting me on the path of personal
destruction. As some sage guy once said, "Be
careful, Grasshopper, of what you wish most for!"
Yeah, thanks a LOT, Gungi, for glorifying this pursuit
of happiness (?)!
LOL It's such a glamourous gig, afterall. !!
It must be 8 years since we last hung out -- with
Kercher and Stuart Wilson in the back of the SOAD
crew bus. Boys being boys.There's some magic to
that!! And no matter what some people might say,
I still won't trade it in. Young forever. Maybe
we're idiots to some, but they just must be jealous!!
Fuck 'em.
Feel better my friend and all the best to you and
your family.
Ted Keedick |
Susan A. Campbell, S.O.C. |
Hi there "Lofty"!!!
My ex - Rob Cowlyn named you that back in the
TASCO days. I will never forget your kindness
and sweet nature. You gave Rob his only Christmas
tree one year.. a little bonzai with one pathetic
bulb on it! But we cherished it for years. You
taught me to appreciate beautiful watches and
always had some amazing ones.
I have wonderful memories of attending your wedding
in Hawaii and running into you and Bridget in
the halls of our fabulous hotel and how happy
you both were. But I'll NEVER forget how you broke
down crying when your wedding vows were read (being
so sentimental) and seeing your best man trying
his best to reach up to your shoulder to comfort
you... It was so incredibly touching.
I am happy to have just read that you and Bridget
stayed married all these years and went on to
have two lovely sons. But then, who couldn't stay
married to such a loving, wonderful, good-natured
man such as yourself! Rock 'n' roll and your friends
have been so fortunate to have you in our lives...
May your pain be manageable, and you find peace
and 'loving' acceptance, and be comforted by how
many peoples' lives you've touched and made better
by just being yourself... May God bless you and
comfort Bridget and your lovely boys in your struggle.
Much love, Susan A. Campbell (formerly Mrs. Rob
From: Michael Ledesma |
Hi Gungi, It's
Mike Ledesma. Just wanted you to know that my thoughts
and prayers are with you. We had some great times
while touring with MEGADETH. I will always remember
going to Nara, Japan with you and the school children
were amazed with your height and all wanted photos
with you.I am very proud to have been your FOH bro,May
you and your family find peace in this journey.
From: David Morgan |
Thoughts and prayers,
Gungi. You have made an indelible mark on the world
both as an esteemed colleague and an Immensely respected
individual whose influence has exceeded the boundaries
of our profession.
David Morgan |
From: Bill Evans |
It feels very strange
to be posting this. Like I am taking an opportunity
that should belong to someone else.
I never had the chance to meet Gordon "Gungi"
Paterson but a lot of his friends are on this
site and I guess it seemed like the right place
to put this. If you are unaware of Gungi's contribution
to the world of concert audio, please take a moment
and visit this site. www.friendsofgungi.com
He made a very big impact on those who know him
and many more than were able to wanted to add
to this but we wanted to get it up while he could
see it and see just how much he meant to so many.
I have seen pictures and heard stories and a couple
of his mixes of Judas Priest and even as squashed
MP3s I can hear that those mixes are huge--the
kind of mix every rock engineer aspires to.
There are a few people in this business of whom
I can say that i have never heard anyone say anything
negative. But he may be the only person that I
can point to and say I have never heard anything
but raves and positive, great things. I wish i
could have met him. The best we are able to do
is let Gungi, his family at home and his family
of scurvy road dogs know what he has meant to
them both personally and professionally. I always
liked the idea of paying tribute while the person
being honored is still around to witness it.
Being a small part of putting this short video
together has been a humbling and gratifying experience.
Thanks go to Todd Goldstein who is out with Tears
For Fears and Brad Johnson who is currently mixing
monitors for Steven Tyler of Aerosmith, for their
video contributions. I can only hope that when
the time comes I can say I have friends like these.
The one thing I got from everyone who was involved
or wanted to be was that Gungi has a huge heart
that makes the notion of an audio family more
real and less BS. Brother, I hope that I get the
chance to meet you before your time comes. Until
then, love your family and know that your brothers
and sisters on the road thank you for bring an
example, a mentor and an innovator.
This document (including the video, can be a
living document. If you have something to add
get it to me and we will add it. I would love
for this to grow by an order of magnitude in the
coming days. Send me stuff--pics, video whatever
an i will continue to add to what we have here.
Mostly, Gungi, we want you to have some kind
of visual proof of how much the people in your
professional family care about you and what you
and your are dealing with now.
We wish you love. We wish you peace and we want
to make sure you know that you will be remembered
by many many people in this industry. I personally
hope you can hang on until Nov so we can formally
honor you at the Parnelli awards. But even if
that is not the case, know that you made an impression
that runs both deep and wide. I would've liked
to have known you. Even if only for a short time.
Thank you for being one of the good guys.
-Bill Evans
From: Dee McLoughlin |
Gungi , it's been
a long time since we worked together , I was working
for MCP in the UK as a Promoter Rep, we were doing
The Astoria in London and having way to much fun,
my thoughts and prayers are with you Brother , you
are always a pleasure to work with. Peace and Love.
From: Chuck Fox |
Hey Mikey I saw
that and frankly cried that we ain't doneyet with
(global elites) as long as kids (children) like
that might one day rule this world. That is my hope
Gungi has hit on all the external cylinders lets
hope the internal ones (immune system0 get to
work real fuckin soon.
We and the kids are rooting
for ya' dude!
From: Marc
Engel |
Hey Bro, Marc Engel
I regret that I didn't have time to touch base
with you in person recently when me and Brumbach
were in Seattle a couple of weeks ago with Chicago
/ EWF down at Nokia..
You are a man's man, a good family man, and iconic
to those of us who have been around awhile.
Hang in there Bro..
We (my kids and I) are praying for your recovery.
Your friend,
Marc Engel
From: Mel Baister |
prayers are with you buddy.
-Mel Baister |
From: Mick Anger |
I remember how
the PA made your chest move like an iron lung on
Priest. Best always Gungi to you & yours.
-Mick Anger |
From: Tana Douglas |
Yo Gungi!
Yep it's Tana, that ozzie girl. Remember when there
was only 1 girl out there doing this stuff? Wild
and Woollie times those were! Wanted to send you
and of course your family, ALL my best. Thinking
of you. Know you're loved!
When they said "It wasn't going to be easy!".
They could have been a little more specific.
Tana |
-Terry |
From: Zac McNamarra |
It's been since about 97 since I've seen you
and Bridget. I just wanted to send you and your
family my Prayers and Aloha.
Thank you so much for all that you taught us,
your patience belief, and getting me the best
bass sound ever!
Zac McNamarra
aka: McZac
Darrel "Beammer" Cummins |
Hey there you tall
You won't remember me due to we only worked together
on just one short tour leg of the "System of
A Down -Toxicity Tour" back in the early 2000's.
At that time, I was one of the Bandit Lites Electricians
that was on the tour along with Donny "DLock"
Lockridge (Our Crew Chief). I still recall the first
time we met. Hell dude, you were TALL!
I was over whelmed by your charismatic presents.
We did a lot of one-off "Shitty" venues
on that tour.
You always had the moment in control.
But never-the-less, the tour ended on a real positive
We did a two day DVD shoot at the University of
Montreal Canada during the winter. i just wanted
to thank you for all youe support while I was on
that tour. You were the best Production Manager
a tour could ever hope for. Keep up with the battle
and I hope to work with you again sometime soon.
I'm sure that you are dearly missed by all of your
Roadie Family members out here.
God's Speed, Healing Power and Blessings to You
and Yours,
Darrel "Beammer" Cummins
D. L. C. Productions
Thousand Oaks, CA. |
From: Kathy Rowe |
Hey Gungi,
I know Ferrit has been in contact so I'm just letting
you know I think of you as well.
I have pictures of our honeymoon in Hawaii would
you or Bridget like copies?
Love and best wishes to the whole family
Kathy Rowe |
From: Kai Katchadourian |
BIG ALOHA to you
Gungi for all the awesome times we shared while
you and BB lived in Kihei.
I was able to see you on the road a few times also....especially
superb was in 2000 when we kept the whole Perfect
Circle tour on hold in San Jose...busses NOT leaving
till we were all caught up...and I remember as I
was walking off that bus laughing,everybody was
like "ok you are the reason we are still sitting
here, can we go now already?"
Your bus is not ready to leave yet Gungi...stay
with us braddah !!!
From: John Gaillard |
hey Gungi
you probably will not remember me, we were on a
Judas Priest tour together back in 88
i wish you all the best and my thoughts are with
you and your family
John Gaillard |
James "Buddah" Dimalanta |
get well soon ! Our prayers are with you.
Buddah |
From: David "Big Dave" George |
It's been a long time my friend. My thoughts and
prayers go out to you and your family. Stay strong
and fight the good fight. As a cancer survivor I
know part of what you are going through.
David George |
From: Ross Berkson |
Gungi,Hello from
Chicago! I've worked with you at the Riviera and
Aragon Ballroom under Jolly Roger's guard. I wish
you well. best regards Ross
Berkson |
From: Nigel Paul |
Dear Gungi,
Despite the usual coincidental and six-degree connections,
we never actually met until a couple of years ago
at the County Bowl in Santa Barbara when I’d
driven down to visit my compadre Stewart Wilson
who was mixing monitors for Fiona Apple, a tour
on which you were mixing FOH. I remember that afternoon
with great fondness. Apart from the pleasure of
seeing my former tour-mate Stew again, I greatly
enjoyed the time that you and I shared shooting
the breeze at FOH, discussing the merits of various
digital consoles, friends and acquaintances we had
in common, and ‘Le Biz’ in general.
To know why such a transparently decent and honourable
guy as yourself, and those you love and who love
you are having to endure such unknowable suffering
is impossible to fathom. I hope that one day we
all have the answers we need and deserve. For now
I wish you all the courage and peace that one human
being can offer another.
With much love, and the greatest respect.
Nigel |
Roger DeSouza a/k/a Dgerio |
I can only say
that the Motörhead camp sends all the best
(Hobbs in particular)!
Be well soon big boy!
Roger |
hey gungi,
you probably forgot about me, but we did work together
on a tears for fears rehearsal in paris for a radio
it was awesome to spend a full week with you, such
a legend. be strong and get well soon.
From: Neil Studs Watson |
Stop the madness mate, I finally get a place I can
visit REAL friends of our Rock N Roll bizz and read
this. I am sitting in France with my Wife and three
kids (twins at 2 and one at 3 !!!) and it's nice
to show them pics of yerself and to say I know ya.
I will always remember walking down the street in
Japan and you could tell us what was up ahead!!!
Love ya mate,PLEASE get well
Your little Irish curly haired friend Studs |
From: Marty Weiand |
Hey old friend,
its been a long time since i hung out with you and
the priest camp. You can pull through this bro,
my prayers are with you!
Marty Weiand |
From: Charley Drayton |
I wish for you and the family more peace, love,
guidance and protection. I truly hope some of the
pain is at ease today and beyond.
Miss you my friend. Stay BEAUTIFUL!
Charley Drayton |
From: Paul Davies |
Just heard the news and heartfelt best wishes to
you. Fond memories from the Ratt tour of Arthur
Kemish sending stagehands out to help you with your
desk being told to ask for "Slam Dunk"
you were nearly as loud as the PA shouting after
Arthur soon after.
God Bless,
Paul Davies |
From: Jane Holman |
Hey, Gungi
Stay strong and brave. Sending positive energy in
your direction.
Jane Holman |
From: Buzz Reifman "roc doc" |
I remember the
day we found this, you have had a great fight .
You must give it your all . You have touched all
of us with your life and made this world a better
place . May God give you the strength and courage
to continue. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
God Bless
Buzz |
From: Justin Crew |
Been a long time
since you and your family visited me out on Blue
Man Group but I still remember all the smiles
I wish you all the strength to fight your fight
Be as strong as you can be gentle giant
From: Beamer |
Hi Big Boy
I am thinking of you at this time and sending
you all the strength and love I have in the hope
that it will help you on your road to recovery
get well soon and don’t give up all your
mates are with you and hoping to see you soon.
Love Beamer (we rock the bus 1983 Def Lep)
From: Louis Ball |
Hey Gungi,
Well we have been through some times together over
the years...
No you need to find the inner strength to fight
this Cancer and beat it.. You are always in my thoughts.
I hope Bridget and the boys are looking after you..
OK ill write soon
No fear, no pity only courage and strength. (you
said it)
Much Love Louis xx |
From: Mick Treadwell |
Your name, your smile, your talent as a first class
sound engineer will live in my heart forever. God
speed my friend.
With love,
Mick Treadwell |
From: David George |
It's been a long time my friend. My thoughts and
prayers go out to you and your family. Stay strong
and fight the good fight. As a cancer survivor I
know part of what you are going through. Cheers
and let’s left a pint somewhere down the road.
David George |
From: Paddy Fitzpatrick |
Can't believe this. you can beat this mate. Don't
give up - Thoughts are with you mate.
Paddy |
From: Mike Amato |
Hey Gungi, it's
Mike Amato...long time, huh? Stay strong my friend,
and know we are all thinking nothing but good thoughts
for you. I still can't walk on a British tourbus
without remembering you getting on one with a Saws-all
and asking the stunned driver, "Which one is
mine?". |
From: Sherry & Valjean Leiker |
Hi Gungi it's been
some years since we seen you My husband Valjean
and I are sending our love and prayers to you.keep
the love and faith. Sherry & Valjean Leiker |
From: Mike Bess |
Gungi My Brother.
I'm sending you my prayers and thoughts. I'm out
on the road chasing goats and wild women on the
Jonas Brothers.
God Bless
-Bess |
From: Terry "Biff" wade |
God Bless you brother
no one rocks a lexicon like you do, will, and forever
keep up the good fight mate, Biff. |
From: Eve Lombard Rule |
I am sorry to say
I only met you one time at Knebworth in I think
1978/79 and I was in a photo with you and Chalkie
Davis and Krista King, Dennis O'Regan and some others.
I know that you were very nice because every time
that photo surfaces I say "This guy here is
called Gungi and he was a nice guy ..." I don't
know who you were with but I think Todd Rundgren
and Commander Cody were on the bill of many....
David and my thoughts are with you in this difficult
time. Sending you love, the Rule Family |
From: Tom (TC) Calcaterra |
Hey Gungi, TC here,
keep fighting the good fight. Remember the Priest
days? I was in Houston just recently and nearly
fell over in the lobby of the Four Seasons. Out
of nowherener
I ran into Halford, Hill, Tipton, Travis and Jim
Sylvia. We all went out for a steak and talked about
the DAYS and You of cause.
We are all thinking of you Mate! |
From: Spy Matthews |
G'day Gungi!
Our paths didn't cross often, but when they did
it was always a pleasure to see your smiling face.
Hang in there mate!! As that other Scotsman Brian
Hendry so eloquently put it.. "There's not
too many of us Old Farts left anymore"
My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours!
Spy Matthews
Delicate Productions
now living in Melbourne Australia |
From: Dave Moncrieffe II |
Hey Gungi,
Dave Moncrieffe formerly with Showco now with Clair,
Keep on with the good fight , we are all behind
you and your family.
Thanks for the great audio, friendship and knowledge,
you are a true hero and mentor. Anything I (we)
can do to help, please don't hesitate
to ask.
God bless and God speed your recovery!
Your friend and assistant,
Dave Moncrieffe II |
From: Steve "Bunty" King |
Hi Gungi,
All our love and thoughts are with you and your
loving family. Keep strong big man. Never give up
the fight.
Steve "Bunty" King |
From: Bill Nemuth |
I have never met you, tho’ I have heard
your name
always with respect. I send my prayers that the
brings only goodness to you and your family.
May you continue to attract the best energies
and fight the good fight.
Best Goodness to you and your family from Nashville.
Bill Nemuth
From: Bill Lanham |
Hey Gungi. I sure
missed you on that last Tears run. Always good times
with you man. I had to get used to being the tallest
guy on the tour again! Love & best wishes to
you & your family.
---Bill |
From: John Talbot |
Keep fighting Gungi,
you'll come through this. |
Lots of lOVE AND
Best wishes Gungi - and love to all. |
From: Patrick Mcgovern |
Gungi my thoughts
and prayers are with ya be strong never give up
!!! |
From: Rudy Leiren |
Hi Gungi, I wish
we were together doing the chicken somewhere, or
maybe in between chickens. I will be in Washington
soon and I hope to get to visit with you. Do chickens,
will travel! Love ya bro, stay strong and keep up
the good fight. |
From: Robert
Rhodes |
Yo Gungi;
I hope you'll remember me as a
sound guy turned to the dark side of the farce
by Obie-Juan Carone and his band of disgruntled
We did Deep Purple together about 87 or 88 and
I spent some time on Rock-N-roll marathon in 91.
I also missed you by days at the White Shrimp
Boat on O'hau in 99. I always enjoyed your company
and refined sense of humor.
I'm really sorry to hear you're
going through bad times, I think about you often
and I wish I could visit, but I'm on the opposite
end of the country, looking for work, which becomes
progressively more time consuming and less productive
as I descend into geezer-hood.
Hang in there and remember you're
important to many of us. best of luck old friend.
Robert Rhodes
From: Frank Robbins |
Hi Gungi,
We haven't met, but as I lay here, flat on my
back, and out of the game, for a couple months
with a "busted foot" (Doctor's terms..I
swear, he wrote it on the medical report!), I've
been catching up on emails and I heard about your
situation thru Tracy Williams via Crewspace. Read
a bunch of the notes, from some mutual friends,
and well-respected lads and lasses, and I've no
doubt that you're a good man who deserves better!
And that's what I'm wishing you today, from a
man who claims Scottish roots to one with roots
in Scotland, and branches all over the world.
All the best to you, your wife, and your children,
and may we both be blessed to mend: perhaps I'll
be lucky enough to work with you one day!!
Lang may your lum reek!
Frank Robbins
From: Gabe Fielding |
Hey, Gungi
I will never forget walking into that pub with you
and Pyro Pete. We were so inconspicuous! Everything
is doable. Hang in there!
-Gabe Fielding |
From: Darcey Lewis |
thoughts and prayers are with you and yours Gungi.
Darcey Lewis |
From: Barrie (Barru) Evans |
far from my thoughts and prayers my friend.
Barrie (Barru) |
From: Rob Savage |
strong and positive, Best wishes Gungi God Bless
and Cheers
Savage |
From: Stu Phillips |
Gungi, I only met you a few times while I worked
at Rock-It Cargo but you made a lasting impression
and have been a huge inspiration. God bless you
mate and my thoughts and prayers are with you and
your family. |
From: Bill Barclay |
Thinking of you and yours every day
Love you
Bill B |
From: Scott Pearson |
We did one run together with Anthrax/Fight, I was
Charlies drumtech. I'll never forget needing a stepstool
to see what you were doing on that console! I wish
you well my friend. My prayers are with you and
your family. Your a very special person.
Scott Pearson |
From: Big Al |
Hey, Shorty!
Stay Strong...Think of Bru, Square Sausage, Tattie
Scones, Bagpipes and Haggis!
-Big Al (Al Mouat) |
From: Lorne (Gump) Wheaton |
strong brother. |
From: Conrad Coriz |
of you Gungi, all my best wishes |
From: Robin Randolph |
i have only met Gungi a few times i found him to
From: Chris Lohden |
only had that one run together. I think it was Perfect
Circle. Sorry you are not well, my thoughts are
with you!
Chris |
From: Rob Steel |
Gungi, Cathy
and I send our thoughts and prayers.
and Cathy Steel |
From: Maria Beth Taddeo, LMT |
wishes to you XO |
From: Muffie Alejandro |
I know this is the battle of all battles. We are
thinking of you all the time. You are in our hearts
and I still hear your voice saying, "tell her
it's Gungi calling." Muffie |
From: Billy Morgan |
My Dear Friend, it's been a long time since we last
talked and you told me of the cancer and the battle
ahead you hoped to win. You sounded so positive
as you always have looking at any tough situation.
I miss seeing your smiling face walking through
a load in door to greet me. My thoughts and prayers
are with you and your Family. Billy
Morgan |
From: Bill Lawford |
of you Gungi. Keep strong! |
From: Bill Lotzko |
Gungi!! I am prayin
for you brother!! Best of Luck! |
From: Gary Grosjean |
Hi Gungi,
Sorry to touch base under these difficult circumstances,
its been a while since the Priest days...I wish
you and your family the best. My strength is with
you, fight hard and take care my friend....
Gary Grosjean
From: Brian Hendry |
I've just been hearing what's been going on with
you now....My heart goes out to you my friend...I've
known you for so long, but alas, haven't seen you
for such a long time. I know however that you've
gone through a fair bit of hell.
I can only send my thoughts and prayers to you Gunji,
and at least I'm blessed with the memories of the
'old days', where we worked together in London,etc...all
these Midas/Martin systems...(state of the art!)
One memory that I'll never forget is when you came
out at the end of a Dio gig we had just done, and
gave little Ronnie a pat on the head....classic!
I hope you get well brother, all my thoughts are
with you.....there's not too many of us 'old farts'
left anymore!
I love you brother....get well.
Brian |
From: Jim O'Brien |
Hi Gungi,
I am sorry to say I only met you once, I took this
Picture of you and Malvin Mortimor in Atlanta 2003.
My thoughts and prayers go out to you and you loving
family, Stay strong mate.

Best wishes,
Pilgrim (Jim O'Brien)
Monitor engineer for Def Leppard |
From: Gary Grosjean
Hello Gungi,
Words can not express how unfair this situation
is, you are a GREAT person and someone that made
the difficult life of touring better. The Priest
tours were always the best, Kate Bush blasting away
and all. My thoughts and prayers are with you and
your family, Fight hard my friend.
Gary Grosjean
From: Bill Conte |
Dear Gungi,
The last I heard you were still doing the MEGADETH.
You have Helen and My prayers to your Family and
I will never forget all the things I learned
from you in the back lounges of the world the
first time I met you on Cinderella and had to
keep turning my head Higher and higher to see
To this day My Wife Helen (yep she still has
me around) Thinks of you still as the “TALL
I can remember riding in your wake to and from
FOH in South America thru thousands of people
(could have used you to visit FOH on Maiden in
Sao Paulo this year and the few times Dave lost
it. The amount of Elevators we were in when in
the local language you where able to respond exactly
how tall you were! And my best memory is you not
busting Dino and I when we hung the plastic sheep
over Laurie Quigley’s Head.
I guess you Bridgett and the kids are still in
Hawaii. Pass this location over to others that
know you man so you can have their energy added
to your healing. Get well Sir there are young
lampies to intimidate:
Best regards
Bill Conte
Lily Allen Stage Manager 2009
From: David Jackson |
This is David Jackson,
Gungi and I worked on the one and only Kate Bush
Lionheart Tour (1979) together and I haven't seen
him since but remember him with brotherly affection.
I would love to be back in touch especially at this
time of challenge for him.
I have very few photos from that tour but I'll
look for whatever I do have.
The moment I wish I had a picture of was from
the first day of rehearsals at the Rainbow in
Finsbury Park, (or was it Shepperton? Time flies
and memories fade);
I'm not sure if Kate had ever met Gordon before
that point but picture this. A long ramp had been
installed from the stage to the auditorium floor
to provide easy access, when Kate arrived for
work Gungi came to greet her at the top of the
ramp with her new wireless microphone, (very hi-tech,
wireless was a radical thing back then). Kate,
being five foot nothing and 90 pounds soaking
wet and Gordon being as tall as he is and given
that he had the high ground on the ramp to exaggerate
the effect and given that this fancy mike was
cordless and gold with a magenta colored windshield
ballooning on the top the impression was of a
very large and kindly adult stooping to hand a
very small and excited child a lollipop. Click!
No camera handy at the time but that image will
stay with me forever.
Please put us in touch, I live in California
now but will be happy to fly anywhere at the drop
of a hat to visit and encourage and swap war stories
with Gungi anytime I'm invited.
With LOVE and fond recollections,
David Jackson
From: Robin Randolph |
My prayers are
with you Big Guy, GOD BLESS YOU
I never toured with you but i have met you a
few times you were always GREAT GUY, ALWAYS A
Robin Randolph
From: Barrie (Barru) Evans |
Dear Gungi, Giant
of a man, huge heart, much love and prayers my friend
to you and the family, on what must be such a crappy
Keith Morris and Tony Blanc have been keeping me
informed on how things have been fella, and met
up with them as I was pulled in to TM Anastacia's
band for their IOW Osbourne house festival over
the weekend, a long ways from my guitar teching
By the way, the lady who is hanging onto me is,
Katherine Jenkins. From heavy metal to opera, who
would have ever thought!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fight the fight my friend
Barrie (Barru) Evans
From: Jeff & Fiona Cohen |
Hi Gungi,
We must be very out of touch. I had no idea until
I rec’d something from Crewspace. Out thoughts
and prayers go out to you and your family. All
the best from ours. It has been quite a while.
Jeff & Fiona (Hurry) Cohen
From: Matt Mead |
Gungi, thanks to
you, I'll never be able to listen to Kate Bush's
Babushka again (haha!) I'm glad I got a chance to
see you last year when I was out with Joss Stone.
Sending a personal hug... from a genie lift...
Peace, love and grace to you and your family.
Matt Mead
Guitar / Backline Tech
From: Glenn S. Kaufman |
Well my old friend....
I can only say that memories of tours we have done
together years ago
produced life long memories for me which will forever
make me smile, and laugh out loud....
GOD BLESS you and yours.....
My prayers got out to you and your family......
MUCH LOVE & strength......
Glenn S. Kaufman
Best Instrument Rental Services NYC
From: Eric Hansen |
Best of Luck, Gungi,
hang in there. It was always a pleasure hearing
that you were going to be drivin the bus when you
came through the HOB chicago in the late nineties.
It's been too long.
Best Wishes
Eric Hansen
sound manager
production engineer
From: Aidan Mullen |
Hey Gungi,
Wanted you to know that my thoughts and prayers,
and those of my wife Angela, and my kids Liam, and
Cela, are with you and your family at this very
difficult time. I wish there was some magic we could
all work together to make this go away. You're a
shining light to those of us who know you, and I
want you to know that we speak of you often on the
road, and ALWAYS with a smile on our faces! We will
continue to hope for the best, so please be strong
for yourself, your family and all of your friends
and associates, and know that you are loved by all
you've touched over the years!
God Bless
Aidan Mullen
Def Leppard
From: Jill and Sunshine |
Hey Gungi,
It's Drum Tech Jill and Sunshine.
We were checking on you and wanted to send our blessings
and prayers out for you and your family.
We are all in different places these days.
Sunshine says to send love and light your way. {...Mom's
still doing laundry... }
Thanks for being such a good friend with a good
Lots of love,
~ Jill ~
~ Sunshine ~
"Oh very young, what will you
leave us this time?
You're only dancing on this earth
for a short while..."
~Cat Stevens
From: Marty Friedman |
Hey Gungi-
Every day on tour, the 2 hours of playing live
is easy to make fun. You always brightened up
the other 22, and that is no easy feat, my friend.
I always counted on you for that and you never
ever let me or the others down. Thank you.
Because of you I can tell the difference between
a Scottish accent and an English accent.
You`re a rock god, Gungi---
From Tokyo with love, respect and positive wishes
and prayers.
Marty Friedman
From: Daniel Keller |
I feel so out-of-touch,
having only just heard of Gungi's situation....I
know I'm just adding another "me too"
voice to this increadibly lengthy tribute page,
but I'd be even more remiss if I neglected to do
I only met Gungi face-to-face once, during my
tenure as artist relations for Shure in Europe.
I walked into catering at a Blackmore's Rainbow
show at some concert venue somewhere in Germany,
and asked several folks sitting at a table if
any of them was Gungi. One man began to stand....and
just kept on going....until I was having a conversation
with someone several floors above me.
As anyone who's worked in the touring industry
knows, there are good days and bad days, good
venues and bad, people who treat you well and
others you'd just as soon forget. For the record,
Gungi was one of the more gracious....we did the
usual pre-concert hang, and he took more than
the customary few minutes to introduce me to the
crew, help pass out swag, give me a tour of the
system, and generally make sure I felt welcome.
Years later I emailed him about something, and
was impressed that he actually remembered our
meeting, despite several years and several thousand
other people and events that had come and gone
Like many of the people posting here, I've been
in this industry for longer than I care to recall/admit,
and have had the good fortune to get to know some
wonderful people. Gungi, if you'll pardon the
pun, is a man who truly stands head and shoulders
above so many, both in stature and in spirit.
My prayers are with you, brutha.
Daniel Keller
Get It In Writing Inc
From: Michael Kaye |
Oh Man,
OK here we are-lucky that we got
here and usually better off for those we have
traveled with.
The cool guys have the award for
persistence- Like you.
I have benefited greatly from
the hours we spent of the gig and on the bus,
the stories, the problems the fixes and the laughs...and
how the fuck
did you fit in that bunk...and when the thing
fell John was squashed underneath.
And speaking of large, your immense
talent for your chosen profession...pretty much
You've been a huge positive influence
on myself and so many others.
Wishing you the best and sending
positive vibes from a stage somewhere in Spain.
Michael Kaye |
From: Ted Gregorek |
I never met Gungi,
When I first started in this business I heard a
lot about him, My first big rodeo was Van Halen's
Monsters of Rock I was hired by Audio Analysts as
a cable grunt. All of the old guys talked about
him and how he went outside the box to solve problems.
We're praying for him and his family.
Ted Gregorek, President
All Systems Go, Indiana, Inc.
From: Mical Caterina |
Your presence & influence to all of us in
this God forsaken business has only been out-shadowed
by your friendship and big heart. You've touched
so many and have left an indelible mark on all
of us. We love you bro and our thoughts and prayers
are with you & yours.
BTW: Bill Evans posted a Living Tribute on PAS
about you. You can see it on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clvE9_uLPok
mikey c
From: Aron Michalski |
Aaah Sir Richard,
The most Dangerous of all the Dangerous Brothers...I
want you to know the love and respect I feel for
you from what you shared with me when we worked
together, through our friendship over the years
and the way you have handled your challenges in
the past few. You always found a way to be positive
even when our bosses wrapped themselves in darkness
and you proved to me that you did in fact have
the fun of 10 men (and I was one of them). My
greatest gift in our friendship was your laugh
and your smile.
Now, I've certainly gotten a rep as a bitterman
over the years but I am going to promise you this;
I am going to attempt to embrace life from this
day forward the way you have, even if I have to
take the fun from another youngster...ok, I promise
to give it back. My love and prayers are with
you all; know that your extended road family is
with you in our way, the lessons and memories
shared never forgotten, never taken for granted.
I am a much richer man for having you and your
family touch my life.
With all my love,
Aron Michalski
Deepinthehearta, Texas
From: Rusty Lowrey |
believe what I'm hearing. Just have to tell you
that you are one of the few people I've known
over the years that have inspired me to be a better
person. You are always a pleasure to be around,
smiling and happy, never an unkind word - a great
guy. Will be thinking of you. Keep up the fight!
From: Rick Bazuin |
I met Gungi while doing FOH for Canadian heavy metal
band “Annihilator” when we opened for
“Judas Priest” on the “Painkiller”
Gungi you were very cool to me and taught me some
very cool tricks I still use today. I got to see
ya in Vancouver once after that when you were on
tour with “A perfect circle” I believe
it was.
I too have battled with Cancer, I beat it, and I
hope you can as well my friend. My thoughts and
prayers are with you. Best wishes, Rick “Boink”
Bazuin "Tour Manager" "FOH"
From: David Davidian |
I like so many others here, want you to know you
are in my thoughts and my prayers, my best wishes
for recovery go out to you. I remember the last
time I saw you checking into a hotel in DC, and
that unmistakable big smile and tall frame just
always said here's a good friend and a big man in
every way. We did not work together much directly
but I always l looked forward to running into you
on the road. You keep smiling, please keep fighting,
and I will keep praying for a happy ending my dear
David Davidian
From: Randy Williams |
just heard about your latest condition and want
you to know that our thoughts and prayers go out
to you, Bridget and the Boys. I really appreciate
and cherish everything that you told and/or showed
me both professionally and as a friend. We both
know that my diplomacy skills needed to be worked
on (according to Mustaine)! So thank you. The
only thing that is larger than your size is your
remember you once saying “if my mix doesn’t
sound bigger and better than the opening act,
then I shouldn’t be mixing the headliner”.
That was definitely a true statement and never
saw it proved otherwise.
in there my friend,
From: Tevy |
I'm Anne's old roomate,from way way back,Just wanted
to send some good energy your way and to thank you
for encouraging and inspiring, one of my closest
friends in the same position,to seek treatment,You
changed his life and are a beacon of hope to so
Thank you
Tevy |
From: Steve Payne |
Just to say that my thoughts are with you old friend.
Steve Payne |
From: David R. Shadoan |
Gungi, I just heard of your most recent situation
and wanted to let you know that you are in our thoughts
and healing prayers each and every day. You have
meant so much to so many it is truly astonishing.
If there is anything we can do to help you please
do not hesitate to ask. With much love, Dave Shadoan
and every one at Sound Image.
R. Shadoan
President, Sound Image
From: Mark Hughes |
Just wanted to send you my best wishes and to
tell you that working with you (Spinal Tap '92)
was a sheer pleasure. They certainly had the right
man at FOH...!
From: Kathy and ferrit |
Just got the latest update, We send our love to
you and the famliy.
Kathy and ferrit |
From: T. "Quake" Mark |
I just found the update on your condition. Hang
in there my friend.
T. "Quake" Mark
FOH Engineer / Production Manager |
From: Gordon Paterson |
Wow, as another Gordon Paterson, I didn't think
we came in XXXL. I'm only 5'7" on a good day.
I Googled my name and saw your photo. There were
two men in the photo and I just wrote you off as
been the shorter of the two until I entered your
site and enjoyed the wee read of your life. My three
children and I have been playing music for about
two and half years now and we play and listen to
the bands you have been associated with...which
I thought was cool. I will use your story to inspire
my children to excel in their music. Stay well,
and our hearts are with you in your battles.
Gordon Paterson
Abbotsford, B.C.
Susan and Danny Nichols |
You are such a special person to my brother and
I. You are in our thoughts and prayers always.
Stay strong my friend.
Love and courage to you always,
Susan and Danny Nichols |
From: Roger Gibbons |
Gungi –Roger here – I spent many months
stood behind you on Judas Priest & Whitesnake
tours, and despite my riser being 2’ taller
than yours, I still couldn’t see over you
!!!! From the first day that I joined TASCO, and
throughout my career, you have always treated me
with respect and honesty – those are just
two of the wonderful characteristics that make you
the amazing guy that you are. You always encouraged
me, and took time with me, even as a snotty young
kid from Yorkshire who’d moved down to London
to work in the warehouse on Lambeth Road –
Without you, I don’t think that I would have
the career that I do now, and I am proud to call
you my friend… My thoughts are with you……
my love to you, Bridget & the boys……..
From: James Geddes |
Check out this web site:
It's Kanzius RF Therapy
Source: Wired.com
Best of luck
James |
Carolyn Henneforth |
You and your work throughout the years have touched
so many people....
Every person that ever attended any concert that
you worked, those people benefited from your hard
work. Every band member and crew member that worked
with you, gained some knowledge from your experience
and took that knowledge to the next gig.
But more importantly then your job, look at what
you have done personally...as a man.
You are a husband and a father. You have a wife
and children who love you. And what more could any
of us ask for then that....to be loved and cherished.?
I've never met you, Gungi, but I feel like I know
My heart is with you and your loved ones.
I will say it again....don't ever, ever give up.
Miracles happen.
Love and hugs,
Carolyn |
Carolyn Henneforth |
Hello, Big Man. Was just wondering how you and your
family are doing, so I thought I'd reach out to
you again. It's odd, considering how I have never
met you and yours, but I find myself thinking of
you quite a bit lately...can't explain it, it's
just there.
I lit a very special candle for you today.
I'm sending Hugs, Love, Strength, Perseverance,
and Everything Positive to you and your loved ones,
with every bit of energy I have.
You hang in there, Gungi. Never...ever give up.
Much love, Carolyn |
From: Anitra Novy |
thought about you today, the picture of you smiling
while standing in the doorway of the call box.
I like to think you saw bird droppings on someone’s
hat that everyone else was too short to see.
you the best,
From: Muffie Alejandro |
Well I remember the first time I ever met you. I
had been talking to you on the phone for a long
time. And I saw you walk through the shop from my
desk. You went past several times with Randy and
I was stuck on a phone call. I am only 5’1”
so it seemed like part of The Lakers had landed
in the shop. I had no idea who you were. When we
were introduced I felt like I was just gazing up
and up. Sort of like looking at a tall skyscraper.
I don’t know who was more amused, you or me.
My voice image of you was of a little guy on a pub
You are so often in my thoughts. I want you to know
how much I miss working with you. Stay strong.
Muffie Alejandro
Jan-Al Cases |
From: Steve Casey |
Steve Casey calling (Tasco early 80s with Ritchie
Riggs... UFO,MSG)..sorry to here of your troubles.Even
if they don't play well You make them sound better!!
Be Well!!
Steve |
From: Bob Davis |
Gungi. It's been too long since we've spoken. I
think of you often and want you to know that you
and your family are in my prayers...
From: James Geddes |
I know your fight has been long, courageous and
painful. Not unlike how, i would imagine, you've
managed your career, and for all I know your personal
There is a new "treatment" that shows
much promise. Shadoan looked into it for Jim Douglas
but at that time it was still months he was told
from FDA medical trials.
I realize how proactive you've been and that you
may know much more about it than I, but wanted to
mention it just in case you'd missed it.
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for
your kindness over the years and wish you the best.
Get better, the world sounds better with you in
Your fan, your friend,
James |
From: Tina Waters |
We miss you! Please know that you and your family
are in our thoughts and prayers.
Lot of love, Tina and the Tour Company gang
The Tour Company
From: Mark Hogue
The world has been a better place because you are
in it... Be strong, and know you have touched the
lives of many. You have left a legacy of professionalism,
genius, talent, but mostly love. You are loved by
all that you came in contact with. |
From: Rikk Feulner |
Keep your chin up and your thoughts positive.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Hope your days are getting better and happier.
Dream Theater Tour Mgr.
From: Patrick Stansfield |
sorry to hear of your illness, but glad to hear
of your so far successful efforts to fight back.
Your many friends and associates are pulling for
you. Please take heart from all of us in the "biz",
and continue the good fight!
Sincerely, Patrick |
From: Larry Morand |
I hope all is going amazing!
I still remember when Wendy Dio let us rent you
for the night at the Roxy - Rough Cutt...man you
were so tall you almost had to sit to mix the show!
Larry Morand |
Carolyn Henneforth |
hoping that this is good, painless, and positive
day for your family and for you, Gungi. I've
just booked the trip to see Tears For Fears
in Vegas in July. I will be thinking of you
and yours during that gig. Oh, how I wish you
could be there telling everyone what to do and
how to do it.
Gungi........Live Well, Laugh Often and Love
Carolyn Henneforth
Carolyn Henneforth |
you all much love, hope, strength, best wishes
and whatever else you all need or want. If it
is in my power, you will have it.
Much love and hugs to you and your family,
From: Batty |
! TALLEST MAN ON THE PLANET!!! Batty here (the real
short one from Brum). You were ALWAYS a great help
to me, you and yours are in my thoughts and prayers.
Ya can have a bunch of my strength if its any good
to ya. Now listen hear Gugemyster you best get well......or
i'll come around and bite ya ankles.....if i can
reach 'em of course!
Get well sooonn pal, love to you and yours.... xxxxxxxxxxxx
Batty............(the real short one)
From: Margaret Rivas |
Gungi and Family,
I don't know you or have ever had the pleasure of
meeting you but you have touched me and my kids.
My 11 year old daughter managed her own yard sale
with my other kids. ALL of my kids donated their
things to raise money for you. They were very happy
it was going to a good good man.
I wish I could offer you more than we have, if anyone
would deserve it, it would be you. I am sending
you love, strength, peace, joy, and all other things
this world has to offer.
We have and will continue to pray for you, your
family and your friends.
Margaret Rivas & My 4 TFF OOBER FANS.
Carolyn Henneforth |
It's me again, just stopping by to send some
love and strength your way. If it is ok with
you, I'm going to send you a message containing
some of it every day for as long as you need
or want it. May you be blessed with calm, resolve,
courage and peace.
All the strength to you and your loved ones,
Steve "Zoomie" Zelenka |
Gungi, I have not seen you in quite a few years,
I think our last encounter was at the NAMM show
a fews years ago, before that on the road with the
Banana Bunch and wonderful times at Shepperton.
always think about you with such fond memories,
you always have such a ray of light about you
and wonderful sense of humour.
Gungi , you have the ability to make anyone it
seems smile whatever is happening in their lives,
this is a true gift!
was truly inspired to hear about how you decided
to take charge of your own course of health care.
you are such a kind and strong wiled person, you
have given so much to so many, my thoughts and
prayers are with you my friend!
From: Dave Clemmer |
we have crossed paths many times in the Carolinas
during the past 15 years. Just a note of love and
support to you and the family. You keep working
that amazing strength of kindness my friend.
Top man mate.
Dave Clemmer Productions,
From: Gabby |
are in my family and I's daily prayers and thoughts.
Take care.
Sincerely, Gabby
From: Kim |
met you backstage in 2004 in Detroit at a Tears
for Fears concert. You were so funny and friendly.
I wanted to tell you that many people love you.
Let all of our good thoughts and warmth embrace
you now. My husband went through cancer a few
years ago and I was his caretaker. I extend my
warmest thoughts to your family. You are thought
of often. Know that God is with you and we are
with you. We will be praying for you Gungi. Always.
& light,
From: Beau King |
Gungi and Family,
It had been years since I had seen you so last year
was a great surprise in Seattle I believe it was.
I wish you the best.
Love and Light
Beau and Melissa King
Tour / Production Mgmt /LD |
Stacy Everett Harding |
Bridget & Gungi,
been years since I've seen you - I use to know
you when you lived in Kihei (I house sat for you
and Bridget, you hooked me up with photos with
Moonie - I think of you every time I look at them.)
had a dream about the two of you a couple of weeks
ago and I took it as a sign that I needed to get
in touch with you - it was such an odd dream that
made no sense to me at the time. The next day
I searched the net for an email address but found
wanted you to know that I've been thinking about
your family. I don't know exactly what you are
going through, but I do know that this is difficult
time for you and wanted you to know that you are
in my thoughts.
Stacy Everett Harding
From: Bud Horowitz |
know if you remember me. We did a DEVO tour together
in Europe in 1978. I do remember you as the very
tall guy who would focus my sidelights for me
while standing on a chair when we couldn't find
a ladder. I remember those early days of touring,
at least for me, with great fondness.
I wish you all the best in this fight. My families
prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.
the best, my friend.
Lighting Design
From: Cosmo Wilson |
my friend, I have known you a long time, your experience,
friendship and leading by example helped me learn
this business we are in. You have helped lead many
of us! Your personality, your humor, your work ethic
and your general demeanor has been a guide and rule
for me, and in saying that, you in many ways are
still with me in my daily life, in my work routine
and the way I look at life. You have touched many
lives, and no matter what happens, you will continue
to touch many lives for a very long time- you are,
simply put- good people.
you are indeed a legend, not just for your gig,
but for you as a person. I has been an honor to
work with you, but more especially, to be considered
your friend. I dearly hope that relationship continues
for some time.
have always been in my thoughts and prayers, and
more especially over the past few years that you
have been fighting this battle- but never more
so than right at this moment. I know that you
are surrounded by people who love you, but also
know that there are many of us, even though not
by your side, who are with you, my friend. I wish
you the best.
From: Carolyn Henneforth |
You don't know me, and I have never met you.
But because I am a Tears For Fears fan, I am
aware of what you and your loved ones are dealing
Gungi, I am so sorry you and your dear family
are going though all of this. I have made a
donation, and will continue to do so whenever
I can.
You have touched so many people though the years,
and now it is time for those of us who appreciate
the things you have done to pay it back.
Gungi....you, and your family are in my thoughts
and I am sending you all of the positive vibes
I can, every single minute of every single day.
Hang in there, Big Man, don't ever, ever give
up. Miracles happen every day. Stay strong,
and know that you are loved and cherished. If
I had one wish right now, it would be to take
your pain away and make you whole again, and
get you back on the road again doing what you
do so well. :)
May the Goddess cradle you and your family and
keep you and them safe, comfortable, peaceful
and happy.
My love to you and yours,
Carolyn Henneforth
Missouri, USA
From: Kieran Healy |
It's "The Boy" here!
I'm sorry to hear that things have got worse for
you, I must confess that you looked so damn good
when we met at Rodney and Sharon's place that
I have not been following your progress on the
web site.
How fondly I remember those Shepperton years,
do realise how lucky we were to get our grounding
in the business from all those characters from
"The Who"?
When you think about it Dick Hayes was a mentor
to you,me,ronnie (the bridge)and Zoomie plus so
many others. Funny too that at least four of us
ended up making a life here in the States.
As we get older it seems that we want to reminisce
more or maybe it's just that we have more to reminisce
about, however I still look back at those years
(1976-1981)as some of the best we ever had.I remember
the first time hearing you mix for Kate Bush at
Hammersmith Odeon, I was gobsmacked by how good
it sounded and realised then that you would go
on to be a great sound man, I on the other hand
got kicked out of sound after blowing up too many
speakers on the "Nazareth" tour and
for my penance had to join the Lighting Department!
Although we lost touch when we came to the States
and didn't see each other until recently I still
consider us "old mates" and if I can
do anything for your family I'll be there.
I don't know if you can take phone calls but I
would love to talk to you if you feel up to it,
if not don't worry.
Kieran Healy
From: Royal E Jensen |
you when I was working for LSD/Tasco in 1982,
an 18 yr old kid, I had heard the horror stories,
they were all so untrue, you are so kind and
wonderful to work with. Thinking of you and
your family as you deal with this, know you
have many friends that will be there for you
and anything you need.
From: Royal E Jensen |
you when I was working for LSD/Tasco in 1982,
an 18 yr old kid, I had heard the horror stories,
they were all so untrue, you are so kind and
wonderful to work with. Thinking of you and
your family as you deal with this, know you
have many friends that will be there for you
and anything you need.
From: Alexandra |
I hope you remember me, Alexandra, I did dressing
rooms, each time you came to Buenos Aires with
Megadeth. Each time we met I would jump on the
bench to embrace you.
I hope you get well very soon and have the faith
you can make it. There are still many leather
Jackets in Buenos Aires for you.
I send all my love and get well,

Alexandra |
From: Paula & Paul Newman |
Its Paula from back in the Who days (M L Executives),
I didnt really know about this site, I always
saw your name on my buddy list and I did write
to you a couple of months ago- But didn't here
from you.. I am so, so sad to here that you are
so poorly and I just wanted to tell you how I
loved working with you in our twenty's in Shepperton,
you and me in my mini with your head touching
the ceiling, we did have fun back in those days.
I love you Gungie and always love to see you and
here your voice when you were here in Simi Valley..
I just want to say that Paul and I love you very
much and wish you comfort and rest.
Paula and Paul Newman |
From: David Fosbinder |
My thoughts and prayers are with you buddy.
Keep up the good fight. Wanted to share all
my new kids with you.
Rowdy is 5, Zane is 2 1/2,
and Bear is 10 weeks.
Love always,
Fozzy and crew
From: Damaritz P. Sierra |
work for Tracy Williams who always speaks very
highly of you and I feel as if I know you through
her stories and fond memories of you. Just want
to let you know that you are in my thoughts
& prayers and I have tremendous admiration
for your strength & courage.
P. Sierra
Altour International
From: Michael DiSarro |
I just want to say a couple of words about a person
I have never met. After looking at all the pictures
and reading a lot of the posts here I was able
to piece together that you are a HUGE part of
so many people's lives. You are clearly a master
at what you do based on some of the artists you
have worked with and the respect that is clearly
given you on this site. Know that you have made
an eternal impact on the world and your legacy
will live on. I wish we could have worked together.
I don't even know you, but I give you my total
respect. Peace be with you.
Thank you.
Michael DiSarro
Commercial Accounts Manager
Pro Sound & Stage Lighting |
From: Richard Barr |
It has been a while since we have chatted. I am
praying for you. You have surrounded yourself
with many fantastic people. I know you have touched
as many peoples lives as you have touched mine.
You're an amazing human being. Love from all of
us on AC/DC.
-Rich |
From: Brenda Fowler |
miss you, Gungimon!
-Brenda |
From: Ritchie Riggs |
I hope you remember me as well as I remember you
big boy, Its Ritchie Riggs, we worked together
at TASCO in the 80s, sorry to hear of your troubles,
I think about you and those days a lot, keep up
the fight, love and prayers Ritchie.
Providence Farm
UK |
From: Sue and Misha |
Sir Sargent Sir... Sailor Dive!!!!
Sue and Misha send you much love from Boise! What
an impact you've made on both of our lives. Your
friendship brought us together and we will be
forever grateful!! May the FTD man be with you!!
We Love You!!
Sue and Misha |
From: Roger Bell |
I was just listening to live Judas Priest and
there was the monster Gungi mix (big and loud).
Hope all is well. I think of you all the time.
-Roger Bell |
From: Rich Sandrok |
wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts.
All the best to you from all of your friends here
at Shure. I look forward to seeing you in Chicago
again. Speedy recovery!
Sandrok |
From: Laura Ruta |
my name is Laura and I´m from Buenos Aires,
First time I met Gungi was in 1997 touring with
Megadeth, after that I met again when he came
with Steve Vai, but I can´t remember the
exact date. Anyway, he was very polite inviting
my pregnant friend and me to see Megadeth from
his place of work. Thanks to that we could see,
as per there was a lot of people!!!!!! Second
time we had a great time with Mike Mangini, Roger
Bell and Magee.
Wish you all the best in the word, in spite I
don´t know you well you show us how big
your heart is.
Laura Ruta from Buenos Aires, Argentina |
From: Pauline Gunn (nee Vissenga) |
your motor runnin..........
this be the same" Mad, Bad and Dangerous
to know" Gungi Paterson I was crazy in love
with @1963/4 from Dunfermiline?, There cant be
two of you! You were a 'rocker' & drove a
motor cycle, I was an English 'mod', a hairdresser
with Greens on the high street. My father thought
you were just dreadful!
If you are the same guy then I'm positive you
will conquer this illness, you were intimidating
then (not as much as my dad!) & any mutant
cells that have the termacity to attempt to invade
your big strong body will surely be driven to
retreat, withered bruised & beaten.
Boyfriends, husbands & lovers have come, gone
& mostly been forgotten in the last 40 odd
yrs, but as you can tell you left a big impression
on a 16yr old & its no wonder you've so many
friends. If youre not the same guy, - tho' thats
unlikely- same sentiments apply.
Pauline Gunn (nee Vissenga) |
From: Hugh B. |
You've been responsible for some of the greatest
nights of music in my life, over many years. A
bunch of memories that still sound great, even
though they're just memories. My life is so much
richer for all those times you were behind the
board. For a man that's brought so much to so
many throughout the world, I thought I could give
a small piece of that back by letting you know
we're thinking about you. You've been down a long,
tough road. Hang tough, and keeping pushing it
up to 11!
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Hugh B. |
From: Danny Nichols
I am sending you tons of positive vibes from
the great white north. Hope to see you behind
a mixing board again on this side of the border
real soon.
- Danny Nichols & Family - Montreal, Canada
From: Andrea Grasso
Gruno, I don't know you but I wish you a speedy
Keep on fightin' man!
Love, Andrea
From: Crystal Davieau
I recently spoke with my uncle, Rick Bos, and
was thrilled to hear of all of the gains you
have made in your fight against cancer. Way
to go! I know you'll continue to improve and
I hope our paths will cross again in the near
future. I have to say, I love your motto: no
fear, no pity, only courage and strength. That's
what it's all about!
Gordon, The measure of a man is based on the
amount of friends he has. I would say you measure
well....We have never meet and you would not
know me if bumped into one another. Just sending
this note to you to let you know That some stranger
cares. Yes we are in the same business, just
on different levels. Yet the similarities are
Please take the time to love, It really puts
all the meaning in life. Families are the worlds
real treasure's ...Laugh outloud often for no
reason at all. Do something nice for someone
and don't tell a soul..... Don't forget to tell
the ones you love just how you love them....
Peace, love, health ,happiness, to you and yours.
honor and celebrate the life of Brian Harding
who passed away on September 12, 2007 after
a long and courageous battle with cancer a Memorial
Service will be held Sunday, October 7 at 11:00
Morgan Memorial Park
Glen Cove, NY
Please join us on this very special day of remembrance
Directions and information for long distance
travelers is attached
In lieu of flowers, gifts may be made to any
of the following organizations:
Buddy Kemp Caring House, Charlotte
Livestrong ? Lance Armstrong Foundation
North Shore Animal League America
Plant a tree in Brian?s memory
Please forward this message to any friend or
acquaintance of Brian?s
who might be missing from this distribution
and would like to attend
For additional information or assistance, e-mail
Dana Harding at
to everyone who has been writing in.. i just
wanted to make a brief mention about brian harding,
a beautiful person who lost his battle with
cancer a week ago... brian had written in to
this site and was battling as hard as he could
but he succumbed last week.. there will be a
memorial held in nyc on oct.7th.. i will post
info for it... keep fighting, keep battling..
love, ray
From: Troy C. Kliesch
Gungi. Hope all is going good. I am getting
ready for rehearsel this weekend. You will be
in my thoughts everynight when the lights go
From: Jessie Cantu'
wish and hope you Fight this cancer and keep
being strong, you are loved very much and in
my prayers! From everybody especially Tears
For Fears!
From #1 TFF Fan.
From: Dave Shadoan
Gungi, it was great seeing you for dinner the
other night. Good food and a great conversation.
It was great to see and here how well your treatments
and have progressed. Spragoo and all of your
friends here send you there best wishes for
your continued success. All the best, Dave Shadoan.
From: Andy Hamilton
Stew Wilsons cousin here, met you on a few tours.
Just saw Stew on the Dream Theatre tour when
they came through Chicago. I wish you and your
family the best, thanks for taking care of Stewie.
Keep fighting - Grif
hope you get well pretty soon i want to meet
you because i want to see how can i help you
in a better way please e-mail me i love you.
Gungi...i`m pulling for u...gonna support u
at the show tonite in O.C. Best of health to
come for u Gungi.

From: Stephen Kohlmann
say I admire your bravery in this battle is
a massive understatement. I know you probably
have no idea who I am, but I met you at a Tears
For Fears show in Minneapolis back in '04. I
don't think we were ever formally introduced,
but I was lucky enough to meet the band backstage
and after the "Grip & Grin" was all over,
I had noticed that most of the fans and crew
were all gone and I had no idea how to get out
of the venue. I missed a security escort out
of the venue and asked you how the hell to get
back outside. You brought me in the elevator
with you and led me outside. I thanked you,
we shook hands and off I went into the night
with memories I will cherish forever as one
of the coolest nights of my life. Probably doesn't
seem like too big of a deal, but it was a big
help. Also, hours before the show, you stayed
behind and let the lads in the band sign my
CD booklet. Granted, I mention personal experiences,
but from hearing about you from others and reading
about your story, I cannot tell you how cool
I think you are. Keep up the good fight and
maybe I'll see you this Sunday in Costa Mesa
at the TFF show!
From: Leon Ingleright
I know I don't know you and you don't know me,
but my heart goes out to you nonetheless for
two important reasons: First, I have always
been strongly influenced (in music and in life)
by Roland and Curt since well back in my 80's
youth, and any friend of theirs is a friend
of mine. Second, I also went through cancer
of a very similar variety only a few years ago.
I was diagnosed with PTCL (Peripheral T-Cell
Lymphoma) in 2003 and underwent mainly conventional
treatment (chemotherapy for six months) to knock
it out. For the most part it seems I have been
lucky and stayed in remission since then, but
I know all too well the daunting task of holding
yourself together and staying strong through
what seems like an impossible challenge. I am
extremely impressed by the holistic methods
you are using to tackle your beast, and I sincerely
hope this is a general indication of the direction
of medical advances yet to come. Nevertheless,
my thoughts and prayers go out to you just the
same -- I am confident that your own impressive
strength of will and character and the positive
energy sent your way by myself and all of the
friends, family, and fans that are pulling for
you will prove to be a tidal force that will
push you through to victory. Stay strong and
positive; we are all beings of greater power
and wonder than our mere physical appearance
may suggest, and we can all make miracles if
we only give ourselves the chance.
All the best in love and friendship,
Lee (Leon Ingleright, "Cado")
been a long time since the halcyon days of Try
Another Sound COmpany.
You are not only a giant in the industry but
also in life.
My thoughts are with you ( and your watch collection
Be cool, Be safe and FIGHT you bugger !!!!!!
All the very best
From: Will Castillo E
super well and better every day friend.
I'm sure you`ll do it, just a little patience!
From: yann LE CLEZIO
I just found time to say how glad I was to have
had the oportunity to meet you. you ve crossed
my way for the rtl2 tears for fears show, and
I ve been delighted to work with you. I ll try
to keep news from you via your site. keep the
faith, hope to see you soon take good care of
Gungi respect . Cant wait to see you bud . That
Ash tour was one of my best times out. Got to
tour with one of the Gs . I will see back out
there soon spliff in tow.
From: kevin costello
From: Thad Edwards
As a young punk audio guy back in the mid 80's
You were very encouraging to me about my abilities
etc. As a cancer survivor I hope I can be that
way to you now. Your attitude and the love of
your friends and family can help you beat this
thing. Stay Strong and hold the ones you love
i just surfed in off of Live's site, and read
about your alternative treatment process. I
underwent standard chemotherapy for breast cancer
last jan-april and it nearly did me in (body
wide infection on the last round of chemo).
there has to be a better way than poisoning
the body, and it sounds like you've found one
such way. i'm bookmarking your page in case
i ever need to consider treatment options again
in future. i wish you continued good health.

to make you smile.
Bla Bla Bla Prayers, Bla Bla Bla Love, Bla Bla
Bla just get the fuck better man, I got men
out here going amuck. We need you. I can't wait
to here those words again " Hello Boys, I'm
Back "
here initially because i saw an interview with
Fiona on myspace, then i went to her page, read
a bit and found out about you, so i snooped
and i just got done reading your progress. I'm
young and i've been through stuff but you, i
can't ever imagine doing what you're doing and
i applaud you every step of the way.
From: Martin Walker
not seen you for a very long time, sorry to
hear your news, but glad to hear you are fighting
back. I follow in your JP footsteps and think
about that every time the band walk onstage.
Would love to catch up with you again sometime...
Take care, and may you get the future you deserve...
Martin Walker
Gungi- Heard about your plight. I just want
you to know that you are in my prayers and I
hope that you will have a very speedy recovery.
Hang in there! RG
I am so sorry to hear of your illness... However,
remembering you as I do from 1979 I KNOW you
will beat this thing..
Take the utmost of care...
Love to you and yours
Del .
From: Todd Wilkinson
buddy! How are you these days? Getting better
I hope! Do you know if they have auctioned the
"James Brown" Bass yet??I have some people who
want to bid on it , if it's still in auction...
Best of wishes, and god bless
From: Quenna Terry
Gungi and Bridgett,
It has been some time since I met you in CA
at JBs. I've thought about you many times and
wish you the best. I know all is so much work,
and you are having tremendous success. It's
so great to hear!!
I finished up out there in mid-March and came
home to Texas. All is going well. Summer is
finally upon us and I'm looking forward to it.
I introduced my family to your website and we
enjoyed looking at it so much. You both are
an inspiration in my life and I'm blessed to
have met you.
I wish you continued strength and courage.
Best regards,
Quenna Terry
Lubbock, Texas
My family and I wish you a speedy recovery and
Thank You for the great time we had with you
and TFF @ the Mandalay Bay concert in Las Vegas.
Thank you for all you do.
Cheers, Danny and family.
Fiona Apple has explained why,
And thus I send this reply,
For anyone that keeps her producing her sound,
And picks her up when in her downess she is
Anyone who helps her to continue to do what
she does do,
And the way it effects others, deserves sometime,
it's true,
Plus the fact that you seem like an energy that
spreads joy and smiles to many others,
Ans again keeps Miss Apple producing one album
after another,
Should get a chance to touch many more,
As there are few in this world, which is a flaw,
And if I can help in what little way I can,
Fingers crossed, touch wood, pray for entities
to keep you safe, this wonderfulman.
From: Ragina Gaige
all is well.
Best wishes to you.
Good luck, friend.
From: Allen Sligar
I saw the link via Fiona's page. Good luck and
best wishes in your fight. Youve worked with
some of my favorite musicians.
Get well soon! -- Allen

From: Mike Sinclair
been a long time since we worked together but
time does not fade good memories. I know you
will get through this with the same grace and
dignity that you bring to everything you do.
All the very best to you.
run gaffa.org, a Kate Bush web site, and I'm
trying to confirm that Gordon "Gungi" Patterson
was the sound engineer for Kate's one and only
tour. There was an episode of "Nationwide" about
the tour that featured a very tall Scot talking
about creating the headset microphone so Kate
could dance...but he wasn't identified by name.
I've never met the gentleman, but he seems to
be well-loved in the sound community. Best of
luck with his recovery!
From: Kevin Zuber
Gungi, hoping your treatment is still going
well. Your last update I read sounds very promising.
My thoughts are with you and your family. I'm
still down in AZ for a little longer on vacation
from the oc's. 51 days clean today!!!! Call
me when you can. Take care Big guy!! Kevin
buddy asked us to stop by, its great to hear
about your recent successes with the alternative
Was great to hear your voice. Keep it tall and
ill make the browines.
Our best wishes friend.
From: Clint Holly
We have only met a few times but I did see you
often backstage. I was a truck driver on the
last tour with Fiona Apple and Coldplay. I wish
you the best of luck with your health and I
am praying for you.
Stay Loud my friend!
I heard of your brave fight with the demon cancer
on a TFF site. I've entered the raffle, and
will continue to do so. But to be honest, the
thing I really want to win is to see you healthy
again and doing what you do so well. Hang in
there, Big Man, you WILL beat this.
All the best, all the hope, and all the love.......Carolyn
From: Brian Harding
I'm a friend of Ray Amico's and he told me about
your website and your story. I too have been
battling through cancer for the past 9 months
so I can understand on a deep level the true
adventure and journey you are on. So many can
wish you the very best and try to help, but
so few truely understand the life you live while
fighting cancer. I spent many years doing live
production, but ended up in the studio doing
music production as my thing. But I still think
about doin' the big shows and the fun I had
for those years. I wish you all the best and
hope to meet you someday and share war stories.
Live & Laugh as much as you possibly can.
From: Chuck Becker
Some of my best road memories are with Def Leppard
in '83 with you , Brooksie, Side Phil, Harry
and the rest of the Tasco gang. Kate Bush still
brings back great thoughts of arena sound checks,
all thanks to you. You have been an inspiration
and mentor to many people, so thanks for being
there for us. Now we are there for you, so keep
up the fight. There are many more sound checks
to come, my friend.
Chuck Becker
From: michaela walsh
gungi...between grief and fear, between love
and courage...you have my aunt who is can turn
paper into roses, raindrops into the ocean's
kisses, and who has the gift of laughter, ferocity,
and passion that can heal...these things, you
already know. i think about you guys a lot.

Joe here, the Gabisom's system engineer from
Sao Paulo- Brazil.
All my prayers for you.
Hope see you again as soon as possible.
Keep fighting!!
From: James "Jamo" Stewart
I remember back in the old "PRIEST" days........
Great times.......
Remember when, yadda,yadda,yadda
Good ol dayz
You could always "pull it out" in the mix.....
Hope you can do it one more time
Get well my friend
am a big fan of Fiona Apple, and I saw how she
performed in a few shows for Gungi, and thought
it was so nice and such a wonderful thing to
Well, she asked us to donate so money if we
could, and I read the story and donated some
money. I wish Gungi the best of luck. Live strong,
and be cool.
I am an electric violinist/ friend of Colin
LaMastro, and he told me about your situation.
I wish you and your family strength during this
difficult time. May you beat this thing and
go on with your incredible life!
-Joe Deninzon
didn't know who you were until now, but you
seem to be very important to alot of people
who have strongly influenced my life, so I'm
just hear to send my best wishes in hopes it
will make a difference for you. GOOD LUCK!!!!
you can see by the picture I have been thinking
about you and keeping the faith. I have no doubt
that you will beat this and in the meantime
I pass along best wishes from the boys in RUSH
and BOC.

you might remember me from a 1991 tour through
Europe where my band supported Priest on the
Painkiller run. I sure remember you (and that
incredibly loud Kate Bush song that you forced
upon all of us in soundcheck!!!). I just want
you to know I am thinking of you (and will say
a rare prayer, just in case it might help!)
and hope you never give up. I never really talked
to you much but you always had a smile for us
and would help any of us out, when we needed
it... and I will also do something else for
you now. Love and fight.
just wanted to say that you are an inspiration,
and that the WORLD will learn from the legend
that is you!
We have only met a couple of times. I wish you
and your family all the best you are in all
our prayers. Keep fighting. See you out there
soon. .
time to call on that inner chuchter strength.
You can do it
aw ra best Fergie
From: Mike Allison
with the saying never give up..we still have
lots of tours to do together..I have just found
out about this..
You will be in my prayers
my name is Adri?n, I'm from Argentina and I
had never studied English, so... SORRY FOR MY
GRAMMAR! I wanted to send my good vibe from
here to Gungi. All the luck in the world for
you at overcoming this obstacule!! I'm sure
that you'll be just fine. You have a lot (really
a lot!) of people that love you, that's very
important! My regards to Gungi's family! We
are all with you in this moment!

From: Troy Pfister
I heard about your medical problems on the Steve
Vai website and decided to make a contribution
towards your treatment. Anyone that has done
so much for artists, and for the love of music
is a friend of mine. God Bless you in your recovery.
Live, Laugh, and Love.

From: Dave Clemmer
my friend,
Just a note to send my best and to let you know
that I'm thinking of you and your family. Your
a top man Gungi and your gonna be well and back
out there soon. I hope to see you back at one
of the sheds in NC and pull off another pro
show together.
All the best Gungi.
Dave Clemmer
Amphitheatre at Regency Park
Cary, NC
I was linked here through Fiona's MySpace and
thought I would donate some words of love since
I'm unable to donate any $$. I hope you know
that you are in our prayers and that we wish
you a speedy recovery.
Take good care!
Kristen in Colorado :) .
the man who gave great sound
for so many years the harder the gig the bigger
the smile.
see you next time you are in new york
your pal roger
Mike Brown told me of your condition & website
and I wish you well on your journey. In June
of 2006, I was diagnosed with FHC - a very rare
cancer of the liver. Only 200 people in the
world are diagnosed with it every year. I am
28 now and trying to live life to the fullest
every day. Hopefully, I only have 4 weeks of
chemo left!! I love Fiona Apple and was bummed
to see I just missed the concerts!! Stay strong.
Live well. Laugh out loud. Lots of LOVE ~Stacy
You can contact me through the website my friends
made for me;
OR through myspace:

From: Bruce & Sidonia Beckel
We have been keeping up with your status and
you are in our thoughts always, we wish you
the best and as you well know if there is anything
we can do for you all you have to do is ask.
Bruce and you have always been such a pair to
look at when you are together at the sound board
as you are so very tall and Bruce is so much
shorter!!! We have enjoyed your music and talent
so many times over the years and hope to again
soon! Wishing you all the best that our caring
love can bring to you. Bruce and Sidonia - Orlando,
From: Stacy Farnsworth
Mike Brown told me of your condition & website
and I wish you well on your journey. In June
of 2006, I was diagnosed with FHC - a very rare
cancer of the liver. Only 200 people in the
world are diagnosed every year. I am 28 now
and trying to live life to the fullest every
day. Hopefully, I only have 6 weeks of chemo
left! I love Fiona Apple and was bummed to see
I just barely missed the concert!! Stay strong.
Live well. Laugh out loud. Lots of LOVE ~Stacy
P.S. You can also contact me at http://www.myspace/sunperqs
Sending you healing energy and light.
We met during the soundcheck at Fiona's last
Philly show. You were warm and kind and explained
the soundboard to my friends and me.
We were the ones that brought Fiona and the
crew the gingerbread house that we were told
you all "deliciously enjoyed".
You and your family are in my prayers and thoughts.
All the best...Ruthie
the man who gave great sound
for so many years the harder the gig the bigger
the smile.
see you next time you are in new york
your pal roger
You bastard!!! Well it looks like you getting
sick has turned some of our old friends into
greeting card writers!! Do you believe some
of the tear jerking crap!!!!
Get better you %*^&!!!!
(I was going to call you a cunt, but that might
piss some cunt off.)
Pyro Pete
better gungi!!!
I wish you the best of luck
Best Of Luck To Ya', My Giant Friend!
Best Wishes To You And Your Family!
I Hope To See Ya' Around Austin Soon.
thoughts are with you and your family.
From: steve dahlheimer
Patrick shared with me some of he issues that
you are dealing with. Just wanted to let you
know that I was thinking about you and wishing
you the best and a speedy recovery.
Steve Dahlheimer
(Pat's Dad)
From: Mike 'Cha' Claffey
Gungi, I am glad to hear that you are doing
better.My prayers are with you and your family.We
have worked together a bunch of times. I'm at
Madison Square Garden for 23 years.The last
time I saw you was with Fiona or Live.We just
had Rod Stewart and Pete Rale filled me in.I
was just diagnosed with stomach cancer 5 weeks
ago.I'm on my fourth week of chemo and I'm doing
pretty good.I hope you are in N.Y.C. this year
I would love to see you. I love hearing all
the good old stories from you.Please try to
e-mail back.Stay strong and keep fighting,love
From: kevin costello
strong and fight hard.
My prayers are with you and yours.
I wish you the best and I hope you recovery
fully !!! It's was nice meeting you when you
came to san diego during the tears tour.
From: Edmund Haave
will get through this Gungi cause me and the
rest of DP and Rainbow fans needs you. Don't
forget to enjoy a glass of cognac while listen
to DP and Rainbow. That's good medicine. Seek
life and life seeks you.
Best wishes from Norway.
From: Jim E. Manngard
and greetings Gungi!! Sorry to hear about your
health problem, My prayers and thoughts are
with you and your family. You're great guy,
Be strong and get well soon and never give up
the fight!! Keep the faith. Kind regards! Jim.
wishes to you,Gungi.all my good thoughts headed
your way.
you might remember me from the Rainbow Stranger
in us all tour, the mad German even turing up
for Japanese shows..
I ma currently being treated for leukemia, treatment
started 18 months ago...not a nice time, but
I put up a fight and had a very positive attitude
from the start. This positive attitude helps...keep
fighting and thinking positive and you'll be
I have urther treatment till about late October
this year, then things should be ok(actaully
no cancer cells found for a year now, just more
chemo to minimise the risk of a relapse..
You're in my prayers,

of Luck to you! Be strong and hang in there...Have
faith! As a nurse I have seen many miracles
before so don't give up!

Mr. Gungi, well what can I say I'm a stranger
but an admirer of Fiona Apple for 10 yrs.I was
sent an e-mail; an all my positive vibes go
out, not just for you but your whole family
that is also involved in your healing.I'm not
religious by nature;I drift more to the logic
of things, and one has always the instinct to
fight for there family.From the Lopez and Corona
I just found out about you through Fiona Apple's
mailing list, and I wanted to wish you all the
best in your fight against cancer. Cancer runs
very strong in my family, so your situation
hits close to home for me, as unfortunately
I have a good chance of facing it in my own
health eventually. I made a donation to you
and I hope it helps you and your family with
your treatment expenses. I read your story and
I admire you for having a positive attitude
even in a time of crisis. From what Fiona wrote
about you, I can tell that you are an amazing
friend to her, and I am sure you are a wonderful
husband and father. Maybe someday I'll have
the pleasure of seeing a performance you've
worked on and meet you. I wish you and all of
your family and friends the best during your
healing, and a victory for you in your battle
with cancer.
David Moya
From: Susan Nichols
have searched years for you. Last time we met
in Montreal you were off to get married in Hawaii.
I'm so excited to find you and so heartbroken
to hear of your fight which you must continue.
Congratulations on your beautiful family and
on being you. I remember how kind you were towards
my brother and I, we were strangers you welcomed
wholeheartedly in Montreal. I will look for
the photos we took together and send them. We
miss you dearly and will say a prayer for you
always. Wishing you a speedy recovery and a
world of strength
& love.
Susan Nichols, Montreal
heard about you from Fiona's email and hope
my donation helps out. Thanks for being that
special person who brings warmth to everyone
around you...the world needs more people like
you. You are indeed in my prayers as well.
is difficult not to fall into Beigeland with
the world being overwhelmed by haoles with the
help of their sponsor-Bank iof America, the
BOA, the constrictor of all life in this zone.
The Big Gun must heal! Soundman no ka oi! I
will pass your regards to Alan Rogan tomorrow
night at The Who concert, a life event the big
Gun should be mixing. Gungi, whichever of us
crosses over first must make sure we get some
coastal property at the next bus stop. I have
heard the first one's there get the best views?
Who knows? Who's Next? Who's Left? Hmph! I suppose
there are alot of great musicians there already
that require a great mix, but I do hope they
have to wait awhile longer. Gungi, we are singing
your praises around the lodge fires, you can
be assurred of that. Gungi, the living legend....a
giant among lesser men....a heart as big as
the universe....and that will make the medicine
that saves the time to pass the pipe once more
in peace and harmony. One love, One dog!

From: Jillana Lois
cancer is such a jerk! kick it in the tush!
i had a big tumor too that put my right arm
out of commission when i was 18! be strong and
know the world loves you!
From: Danny Nichols
Long time no see mate. Best you get back into
action as soon as possible. Today's bands need
all the help soundwise that they can get!!!
Best wishes and much love to you from Danny
Nichols and family, Brossard, Quebec, Canada.
From: Chris Hannon
We have never met, but I am a Fiona fan and
a recovering throat cancer patient myself (age
30). Staring this sort of thing in the face
can be beyond difficult at times. I am grateful
that this site is up and running for you, because
the support of friends (met and unmet) is of
inestmable value and will continue you to be
so down the road. I wish you the best. Hang
in there man.
Chris Hannon
Seattle, WA
From: Crystal Munroe
I'm a final year student studying a BSc in complementary
medicine and health sciences and I got an email
from Fiona Apple's mailing list about your website.
I think it's great that you're going for the
alternative methods of treatment and I admire
your courage and belief in what I really think
is the way forward for health care.
I wish you and your family love and healing-
you are in my thoughts.
Crystal x
seen you at quite a few Fiona Apple concerts
over the past year; man you're tall. I've also
seen you after a couple of the shows out by
the tour buses, and you seem like a really cool
English guy. I'm definitely gonna drive 4 hours
from Las Vegas to LA to be @ one of the benefit
concerts @ Largo so I can help you out. Thanks
for making so many artists sound their best
over the years. You're in my prayers.
I heard about this site through Fiona Apple's
mailing list and it contained a wonderfully
splendid letter, written by Fiona herself, that
gave us all a realistic insight into how people
feel about you. I figure if someone can write
such an amazing letter (that pretty much resembled
poetry) about you, then you must be one heck
of a man!
I don't have money to give, I'm only 19 and
living in South Africa, the exchange rate would
actually leave you having to pay me back! lol
Nevertheless, I thought I would send out some
good vibes all the way from South Africa and
just let you know that I have a history of cancer
in my family and that it can (AND WILL!) be
overcome by you. I hope to someday see you peform.
So never lose hope.
Strength and stranger hugs!
-Nicole from South Africa
From: Lauren O'Farrell
just wanted to let you know that I am a lymphoma
survivor and have been in remission since August
I had almost three years of treatment, including
a stem cell harvest and transplant, radiotherapy
and six kinds of chemo.
Now I am living my life again just like I used
to. Well maybe not just like it. Everything
seems to be a bit more shiny and interesting.
So you can kick the arse of this thing!
Also I am running a project at the moment to
raise money for Cancer Research. My knitting
group (don't laugh, it is very trendy nowadays!)
and I are knitting 300-foot of scarves for the
Lions in Trafalgar Square in honour of the Lion-hearted
people fighting cancer every day.
We have had knitters from all over the world
send parts. Many of them are knitting in honour
of cancer fighters. It is an amazing thing to
be part of.
If anyone is interested you can read our blog
through our website at www.stitchandbitchlondon.co.
I guess what I am trying to say is that cancer
can be beaten and though I know it is hard becoming
a human pin cushion etc it can be done.
The only strange part is how much you want to
save everyone else once you are better. :)
My thoughts are with you and your brave family.
Stitch and Bitch London
"Knit fast, purl young"
From: dave monsey
you explained many strange British desserts
to me. I miss you and I look forward to working
with you again.
a Fiona fan and have now become a fan of yours.
I'll be sending you healing thoughts and prayers
from San Francisco. Keep up your positive attitude
and strength. You're loved by so many, so you
must feel how much energy there is for YOU out
in the universe! Hugs- Debra
I just heard about your story through Fiona's
mailing list and I would like to express my
deepest sympathies. May God bless you and your
family. I wish you all the best, love, happiness
and HEALTH. God Bless you!! Stay strong.
just received notice of this site through Fiona's
mailing list. I wish I could attend the tribute
shows, but I'm on the other side of the country.
For now, I'm sending positive energy and thoughts
to yourself and your family. It's awesome that
you've taken proactive control of your health,
and I have faith that you will triumph in the
Take care, and I hope you have a good evening!
are the man! I just heard about you through
Fiona's mailing list, and I want to send you
all the positive thoughts that I can. I am a
student nurse and nurse aide in an oncology
unit, so I have seen what you're going through
and find your attitude amazing in your blogs.
Keep the faith and gratitude for your beautiful
family and supportive community.
Much love,
Jill V in Raleigh, NC
From: Jim Hallowes
All my best wishes go out to you and your family!
You are in our prayers!
Jim Hallowes
From: Jacob Meziere
luck, man. You'll pull through.
From: Michael Nauschultz
am a fan of Fiona Apple and read about your
plight. I am financially challenged but made
a donation anyway. Please know you will be in
my prayers and I wiil send as much healing energy
as I can muster.
Good Luck and Godspeed
From: john hutchison
I am your mums taxi driver back home in sunny
kirkcaldy she told me about this site hope you
are on the mend big man see you when youre back
From: Christy Rodrigues
I was perusing the Largo website, and I happened
upon a F. Apple benefit for you. I am sending
you as much healing energy as I can muster,
and hoping to hear -- very soon -- that your
holistic therapy has wiped-out every last cancer
cell. I have never met you, but hope I have
the pleasure, someday soon. Christy
From: Jack Kontney
I just got this horrific news. Working with
you was a highlight of my time at Shure, with
great artists and strong relationships that
transcended the commerce that brought us together.
Stay strong, get stronger, my brother. Keep
attacking this thing and we'll get together
next time you hit Chi-town.
Much love and peace out...
From: Andy MacIntyre
thoughts and prayers are with you and your family,
Gungi. You were tremendous to work with on the
LIVE corporate dates I booked a few years ago.
I'm glad to read your treatments are going well.
kick cancer in the ass! you can do it! light
force spirulina, look into it I emplore you!
CANCER SUCKS!!!! Kick its ass!! mucho love to
you and yours! sue
From: Joel Ashcraft
throughts and prayers are with you and your
family tonight.
Thanks for inspiring me all these years!
Knock it down and Tear it up!!
From all us shed guys down here in So. Cali..
Thanks for your informative treatment info.
I passed it on to 2 people close to me in treatment.
They thank you as well!!
From: Howard "DJ" Howes
Big thoughts for the big man, good news on the
Holistic progress, just continue Kickin' it's
Ass Man, you taught me how to Rock 'n' Roll
on Judas Preist in the 80's. Thoughts and respect
to you mate, DJ
From: trigger/ New England
on!! We"old guys" in the brotherhood got to
stick around. I'll be talking to you soon. Hi
Bridgett, stay strong!
Love, Trigger
From: Troy C. Kliesch
Gungi, Dropping you a line to tell you that
your in my prayers everyday. I will never forget
the first time we talked. It was 1994 at the
newport music hall. You were mixing Fight. I
was doing a motorhead show the night before.
Hobbs said if you come in i would have to lift
the desk up. I never slept the whole night waiting
for you to come in. Then there was the first
tour in the van. We had a picture of your digitech
add hanging where we slept. It was nicknamed
the gungi loft. Or the times we had on ozzfest
2002 sitting in the backlounge telling war stories.
The time when you came to the toledo sports
arena with megadeth and we chanted GUNGI,GUNGI,GUNGI,
from the seats as you looked around to see where
it was coming from.The best time of my life
was the system of a down/down show at jones
beach when our consoles were side by side. I
called everyone in the world i knew and bragged
about it. Thank you for all the dreams you gave
me on my way to bieng good enough to hang out
on the same show. It means all the world. I
am trying to gather asst. for you and your familly
during this tough time. I am sure you will be
standing tall in front of your desk soon. Take
care. I love you man. My mom still remembers
i came home from the judas priest show as a
13 year old kid. Talk soon buddy.
From: David Davidian
I want you to know on this Valentines Day you
and in my heart and I know you will overcome
in this struggle. You are a great man and a
good friend. I look forward to seeing you out
on the road again soon buddy. I send you our
family's love and strength to your family. All
the best always my friend.
From: Lily and AB
always, all our love and prayers,'little brother'.
From: Martin Fisher
Gungi,Dicky just told me about your war.Dear
chap, I send you all my fondest wishes,strength
and spirit,
God bless,luv Mart.
I recall reading about various adventures with
Steve Vai, Mike Keneally and other from Bryan
Beller's writings. Stay strong, for it seems
this world is a much more interesting place
with you in it.
From: Garry (Squirt) Brokenshire
old mate,
I was very sad to hear that you were not to
All of your friends here in Australia are all
thinking of you and look forward to seeing you
down here soon.
Fight it hard, stay strong and see ya soon my
friend !
was good to see you today. I am happy to hear
that you are moving in the right direction with
this. My thoughts will be with you and I wish
for the best for you and your family. Keep up
the good work.

From: Dan Monaghan
I have my Polish grandmother praying for you,
(as well as the rest of my family), and her
prayers never fail! See ya down the road...
My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your
Stay strong and fight like hell!
Jon "Triple-J" Martin
Gungo. Graham just told me about this site last
night, tho bn keeping up via lil.keep on keeping
on in this huge love that surrounds you. love
to you, B and boys. from BeXXX
I am a fellow Ratketeer of RHCP website as the
girls above and heard about you from your great
friend Dave Rat.
You can do it, beat that nasty cancer !
Sending you lots of and light and my thoughts
& prayers from London!
Evie xxxxx
From: TanqGirl aka Keli
heard about you thru Dave Rat. I am a former
oncology nurse and I am SO happy that you have
chosen the path to healing and health that you
have! My background is also in naturopathic
medicine and I have seen wonderful results with
my cancer patients. I left the field because
MD's don't like it when you tell patients that
they can cure themselves!! LOL!!! Check out
something called a Rife machine...it destroys
cancer cells by sonic vibration. I think it
will really compliment your treatments. Am so
happy for you and hearing about your awesome
results gives me hope that others will look
for a better way of dealing with cancer. Well,
Gungi, you are now part of our adopted family,
as I can see the other Ratketeers have been
by. I will keep you in my and prayers always.
May God bless you and keep you close. His angels
will protect you ALWAYS. Much love- keli
sending you positive thoughts, and hoping you
get well.
Your story was an interesting read as my mum
get diagnosed with breast cancer 2 days before
christmas and is about to have her 2nd operation
on thursday and start her chemo in the following
hope all is well xxx
I am a stranger to you but this disease unfortunately
unites us all and touches our lives when
we least expect it. This courage you have and
the approach you have taken to fighting this
is inspiring
I wish you well and you will be in my prayers.
From: Kim Roberson
I learned about you from Dave's blog on the
RHCP website. I'm sending healing thoughts to
you and your family. Please let me know if you
need additional nutrition information for post
chemo/radiation, apart from what you are receiving
at the clinic when and if you think it is appropriate.
One of my mentors specializes in nutrition for
cancer recovery and has written a couple of
good books on the subject and has helped a few
of my friends and family in their recovery.
It sounds like you are well on your way, but
please don't hesitate to let me know if you
could use some more support. Take good care,
breathe deeply, and may I recommend guided imagery
too? There are some good CDs on the subject,
let me know. ~ Kim
From: Maija Murphy
Gungi- I also read about your
situation from Dave Rat's blog at the RHCP site.Just
wanted to
let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers
and I think
from what you have written that it does sound
like you are making real progress! RIGHT ON!
Much love to you there.
Keep on doin' what you're doin'!!
am a RHCP fan and I read about
you on Dave the Rat's blog. You are a brave
soul so stay focused and positive. People can
beat cancer and I am praying for you to be one
of them!
thoughts and prayers are with you and your family
at this time in your life. You are so loved.
May the knowledge of that keep your spirits

just followed the link from dave rats blog,
on the chilis site, i got too work with dave
nov/dec 2006, he is a top man.
just too let you know, even though you don't
know me, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
my mum has been fighting cancer, for the last
2 years, and unfortunately, its just not getting
any better its a bitch. interesting read, rethe
cancer feeding off the sugar, my mom is on organic
foods only now, too try and help her fight.
best wishes too ya,
one giant Scotsman to another... 'mon you, sort
yersell oot!
Irn-Bru, Haggis, Tattie Scones and Square Sausage
when you feel better!

my brother! Keep fighting the fight bro and
don't give in!I will make sure there is a extra
big bunk waitin for ya bro. God bless you and
your family and we are all here for you!check
one two hey hey!
From: Carlos & Rosario (TFF)
little guy with a big heart. You're on the right
path to a fast and speedy recovery.
"Stand tall like a man, head strong like a horse"
ps-my son should be looking for a manager in
about 15 years
From: Sylvie Demaretz
Thank you for all the work you have done with
You and your Family are in my toughts and prayers.
All the best
tff Friend
Raising a pint to ya & sending good thoughts
your way!
Gungi, I was shocked at first when I heard the
about this. Then I realized that
you are regarded as a great friend by many who
care about you and your family's well being.
I was happy to read that you didn't accept the
first diagnoses/treatment and found what you
beleive to be the right treatment for you. Obviously
it is working and I look forward to reading
and hearing about more progress to come. Our
thoughts and prayers will be with you yours
anyway for a little extra punch!
Big Guy! We met during the TFF tour @ KLOS &
again @ Universal Amphitheater. I got a real
kick out of meeting you. I have a friend who
has had this. He continues to do well some 2o
yrs. later. My prayers are with you. Diana

up the faith and fight gungi.You and your family
are in my family's thoughts and prayers.Thanks
for the update and glad to hear you are doing
better.You'll beat this thing!!!!
my thoughts and prayers are with you and your
family during this tough time. Here's to continued
success in your treatment.
From: Michael P Mule
Not the best scenario for contacting someone
you haven't talked to in awhile.
Just wanted to say " fight the good fight ".
You are in our thoughts here in Nashville.

you and your family are very much in our thoughts
and prayers! We are extremely happy to hear
that treatment is going well!!! Lance Wascom
I have just recently heard whats going on and
got the site details (Well done guys for setting
it up) . It's been a few years since our paths
have crossed Gungi but I am sure that if there
is a man big enough and strong enough to get
through this one it's you. Get Well Very Soon
old pal!!.. haven't seen you since the Black
& Blue Tour!! I was roadieing for the BOC
in those days.. hate to hear of your challengees...
been thru a bit of spinal surgery myself the
past few years & had to learn to walk again
a couple of times... but you have already figured
out that where there's a will there's a way
Best of luck with this deal & just remember
that attitude is everything!!
Best wishes from down in ATL Ga..

Big Ain!
To say your illness came as a bit of a shock
to us here in god's own country is a real understatement,
but you know we're all with you every inch of
the way through this. Why am I not surprised
that you've gone for the road less travelled
in your treatment? Mair power tae ye, sur! Great
to hear that it's going well. You're in my thoughts
and I'm willing you to come through the other
side with your Gunginess intact and enhanced.
Sounds like you have a great support network
in Bridget and your friends to keep you focussed
on the road ahead.
Laughter is the best medicine they say, so here's
a pic of me on the Haugh bandstand that should
raise a titter. Let it never be said that I'm
too proud to debase myself in public for the
amusement of my neebs (or the toon for that
Anyhoo, I'll dootless be bumping into you on
Big G's couch sometime soon. Till then, Gungi,
keep strong!
PS - That Fiona Apple is quite braw! Does she
need a bass player, by any chance? Or the loan
of a groovy wee disco-kilt?
I had to opportunity to see TFF in Boulder,
Colorado a couple of years ago. My Mom was diagnosed
with cancer several years ago, did the treatment,
and got well. Last January, we found out she
was terminal. She's a FIGHTER and still with
us, not giving in. I wish you and your family
the very best and hope to see you at the next
TFF show in Colorado.
From: Grady Champion
You are in my families thoughts and prayers..Sounds
to me that you're already beating this down!
Best wishes
'All guns blazing'!!!!
Grady (Dragon) Champion
wanted to say thank you for all the work you
do for tears for fears and hope you never give
up on the fight of cancer
My son's dad lost the fight. Our prayers and
thoughts are with you and take care and God
bless you and your family and friends
I know that you are actually sick. I hope that
you will be better very soon. And thank you
for the work you made with Tears For Fears.
Regards, Fanette.

I have learned so much about you and look forward
to hearing MORE about your journeys. You will
get through this and we will be able to tour
again and again! All the best to you and the
family! - Gruno
From: Big Mick Hughes
thoughts and best wishes to you and your family
I will have one rolled for ya!!
From: Troy C. Kliesch
king of heavey metal mixing!
Your thoughts are with me every minute of everyday.
From: Juanita Copeland
Nashville Music community is sending our prayers
and positive thoughts your way. We are all with
you in spirit!
From: tony sabato
you are a great friend. Mentor if you wanna
call it that.
I learned so much by being on tour with you.your
a real friend
From: Steve Gilbard
we're thinking only good thoughts! You WILL
beat this and then we can walk through Akihabara
again soon and everyone will be looking up to
you and never see me. Very soon, OK?
We all love you.
I just found out about this, my thoughts and
prayers will be with you my friend, and I know
you will kick this thing in the butt. Keep your
head up, there are alot of people out there
that love you buddy. Take Care
From: Andy Battye
Your strength of character alone will be enough
to see you through this.
You have a wonderful & loving support system
around you,never be afraid to use it.
Andy & Korina.
From: Shona McTavish
I am so pleased to hear that you are improving
daily. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Long time no see but lots of love, Shona
From: Bryan Grant
I've just caught up on your news and wanted
you to know we're all pulling for you mate.
All the very best
Bryan Grant
From: Dave Shadoan
just wanted to drop you a line and say that
myself and all the guys in the shop are sending
good vibrations your way each and every day.
I saw the web site today for the first time
today and it is truly inspirational to see all
the people in our industry sending there thoughts,
prayers, and love to you and your family. Keep
up the faith and the fight. Dave Shadoan.
I was not aware that you have been unwell, I
just found out today.
I am sending you all my positve thoughts and
prayers. I am so happy to see that you have
made so much progress already. Stay strong and
I am sure you will be fully fit, really soon.
You and your family are in my thoughts.
Did you know that Mark Odonoughue (my studio
engineer) was diagnosed with Lymphoma 6 years
ago? He took a mild form of chemo, he was part
of a new trial treatment, and he has been clear
for over 5 years now. This thing can be beaten
Good seeing you last summer and I'm glad things
seem to be looking up since then. I look forward
to getting to hang and shoot the breeze once
again, sooner rather than later. Stay safe.
From: Jerry Harvey
I wish you all the best and know you can beat
this.Keep up the positive attitude and know
we are all praying for you.
Please keep the updates coming,
From: Mindy Harvey
I've said it before but I will say it again.
I am so proud of you!!! To witness your strength,
courage, faith and the love of your family and
freinds around the world fills me with inspirition.
From: Owen Orzack
all your friends here in Ohio are pulling for
you. You & your family are truly an inspiration!!
From: Jason Stockwell
you a quick and thorough recovery, and look
forward to seeing you again somewhere down the
road. It is so remarkably wonderful that Ray
& Michael have put this together in your
honor. Your are so loved...
From: Bill Barclay
been a long road,we have known each other for
over 30 years,since our days in Cupar many moons
ago,it was so great to see you just before christmas
and catch up on your journey to recovery,my
thoughts and prayers are always with yourself,Bridget
and the boys.
From: Moe Haggadone
you Gungi, for your updates, and an avenue that
enables all of us to respond to you and to lend
whatever help we can to share your endurance
toward the return of normalcy in your life.
From: Frank Stedtler
I wish you and your family the best. I'll see
you on your next tour,keep punching and you
will win this fight.
From: John Ciasulli
my taller Brother - My admiration, my prayers,
and some of my strength. You will beat it..........j.c.
and family
just remember you have old pals who are thinking
about and praying for you. You are an old campaigner
so all the best in the world
it is an honor to know you, and to be a part
of your life and circle of friends. Your strength
is motivational, and you know that you are in
our prayers.
Apple Computer
- Ray & Michael, thank you so much for leading
and creating this site so that Gungi's friends
can keep up with his amazing progress and send
their support!
Gungi - Glasgow is sending HUGE positive thoughts
and much love from myself and the team!
My Gungi,
Great website, very inspirational All our thoughts
and prayers are with you and the family.
Luv Ferrit and kathy
From: Skip Rickert
still have the knack for bringing a smile to
my face Gungi. We shared buses, bad catering
and worse clients and I still smile at the thought
of you. Best wishes from my family to yours.
Skip Rickert
Gungi. V glad that things are looking up, and
that you're chosen this particular route for
treatment. I've been studying ph and such since
we last spoke.
very best,
Paul D
From: Mike Keneally
love to you Gungi. We're all with you.
From: Gavin Harrison
Gungi.Not met you yet but soon will as I'm dating
"darling daughter no.1.As a young(kinda)sound
engineer in South Africa I have always followed
your career and have drawn inspiration from
your accomplishments.If you're half of what
Yvonne says you are then this 'set-back' should
only be regarded as the interval in your life.Looking
forward to meeting you.
From: Jimmy Clark
Don't know you but my Friend Stew Wilson from
the TSO tour sent this and ask for help. Had
a friend who had no future until the love and
support of his friends brought him back. The
best medicine is knowing how much your cared
for. This site is proof.
God Bless

From: Belinda Swafford
there gungi!!! Its belinda, we used to prep
gear at the Showco shop I to have been diagnosed
with cancer at 39. So I just want you to know
that I am here for whatever you need. I think
this website is an incredible idea and that
you have great support system. I send you positive
energy and love hope and prayer. I know you
can beat this!!! Follow your heart!
Peace of mind, body and spirit!
Belinda Swafford
From: Graham Halle
You know we are all thinking of you, back in
the old country. Keep the faith
From: Yvonne Loxton
can't believe it's been 15 years since you introduced
me to the Dislexington Queen in Tokyo! Ever
since, you've been the best 'Dad' in the world
and I owe you a great deal for the amazing path
my life has taken. My thoughts are always, always
with you and I'll be seeing you soon.
All my love,
Darling Daughter #1
hard and count on my prayers Gungi- Mike
From: Louise Middleton
been speaking to Aunt Erna and Jessie sent me
all the news.
Keith and I are routing for you and send you
and the family our best wishes and love.
- we don't know each other, but you have made
ALL my favorites sound (several powerful bands
and one powerful girl) as wonderful as they
should. I have just learned of all this today
and will send you a fun book to read if you
will just let me know where... Cheers!
From: Jeannette Fess
since we know how fab and strong you are, it's
just a matter of time til you're back to your
new self, healthier than ever and telling your
god awful jokes. Can't wait. ps: fuck Stanford,
those a-holes! Yay to Dr. Joseph and Dr. Rohan!
See ya soon love ya from the entire Fess family
also da russian gives a shout out too and says
save the cubans!

man - - been a long time - - i tell stories
to all the kiddies about the old days of priest,
rainbow, sabbath, and a host of others which
ALWAYS include you my brother - - - i have all
the faith in the world that you will kick this
thing in the ass and i pray for you old friend
Glenn Kaufman

From: fiona apple
my Gungi!!!!!!!
I send you my love on all the fins of the fishes
and all the feathers of the birds, and I miss
you, miss you, miss you, and I'm so very proud
of you,a nd I believe in you so much!!!!!
an improvment in such a short time. My best
in the future. Love you and your family.
power to you Gungi. With much love and best
wishes to you and your beautiful family from
an ex-noise boy and Hodgkin's Disease survivor.
Keep positive big man!
From: Barrie (Barru) Evans
cannot hold a torch to light another's path
without brightening our own."
-- Ben Sweetland
In my prayers, in my thoughts my friend.
the man who taught me how to mix LOUD. In our
thoughts and prayers. If anyone can beat this
you can. Much love to you all from John, Noreen,
Kieran and Tom, your friends in Shepperton.
Juice up.
From: Tony & Loya Selinger
vibes go out to you from Tony Loya & Sam.
From: Tracy Williams
love and strength to you as you fight this battle.
I am here to support you in any way that you
and your family can utilize me. Your are in
our thoughts every day..Tracy
From: Malvin Mortimer
- 6 feet 11 inches - Malvin - 5 feet-2inches-
A memorable moment which I will never forget
happened at a US show in 1987 when Gungi called
me to the back gate. For legal reasons I cannot
go into detail. Gungi will know what I refer
to when I quote him "hey Malvin, your head has
turned all pink"
nuff said Gunge.
Be well and be troublesome.
From: Benny Collins
you all the best and much love to you and your
family as I also have been down this road.
I will keep you in my prayers
If anyone on the planet can whip this thing,
it will certainly be you. I know that I speak
for everyone in the industry when I say our
thoughts are with you.
Jim Ragus
From: Sean Pewther
meeting you big man. All the best, get better
soon.. Sean
From: Ashly Covington
was such a pleasure meeting you this past summer.
My thoughts are with you and your family. Sending
many postive healing vibes your way. I look
forward to seeing you back on the road soon.
I wish you well and a speedy recovery. Hope
to see again soon on the road. My thoughts are
with you.
Joel Lonky
From: jeff gilmer
the man that inspired me to stand behind a console
..you truly are a giant on all levels ..you
are in my thoughts...
and support coming your way, brother.

From: Bill Lanham
Rules! It's been a pleasure doing the last couple
of runs with you man. Hurry back! I'm tired
of being the tallest guy on the tour already.
From: Ralph Mastrangelo
of luck my friend! let us know if we can support
you in any other way.
will always have our support and we look forward
to hearing you kicked cancer back to oblivion.
Everytime we hear "Babooshka babooshka" we can't
think of anyone but the great Gungi. Rock on!
Tony & Janet
wish you and your family well Gungi. You are
in my prayers.
From: Mick Treadwell
music will not be the same until you return
to mix it Gungi. Get well soon my friend. My
prayers and thoughts are with you.
From: Todd Goldstein
will never forget hearing all the great shows
you mixed and I cannot wait to hear you on Tears
for Fears.
Your a great man!
Todd Goldstein
From: Michael Pilmer
to The Friends of Gungi Web site!
Email me your guestbook entry direct to: michael@clubdevo.com
You can include low-res images, your name, web
site, etc.
-Michael Pilmer
Friends Of Gungi Webmaster
to everyone - gungi, i love you man...
From: Colin LaMastro
friend of over 20 years.This is a great cause
for a great man.The best is yet to be.